Chapter Six

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Almost ten hours later, the three heroes walked back through the doors of the agency. It had been a fairly quiet day. A few low-level thugs tried to rob a store. They didn't get away. The guys were tired of walking, but other than that they actually had a pretty relaxing day. When they walked in, they saw Aika sitting in a chair backwards, facing one of the guys that was new to the agency. His black hair and bright blue eyes made all of the girls glance at him.

"Ok, let me try again." They heard Aika say, grabbing something off of the desk in front of him. He laughed.

"Ok, you get one more shot before you're deemed a lost cause." He said, holding his hands up so that his fingers made an 'L' on each hand, and then placing the tips of his thumbs together. Aika set something down on the desk, holding it in place with the tip of her finger. She used her other hand to flick the object towards him. It flew straight between his fingers, hitting him in the face. She threw her arms into the air in triumph.

"Fine. You win. I guess all that training paid off." He said to her. Aika laughed, and Amajiki felt an odd sensation in his stomach.

"What a tool." Kirishima said, scrunching up his nose.

"She's just killing her boredom." Todoroki said. "All the guys at Endeavor's agency try to do this kind of stuff too, she's not actually interested. Trust me."

Aika looked up and saw that the three had reentered the building.

"Oh, hey guys!" She waved standing up and leaving the guy without even saying goodbye. She walked right over to all of them, with a certain bounce in her step.

"Why do you seem so happy? I thought for sure you'd be miserable when we got back." Kirishima said.

"The healer people said I can go back out tomorrow! So I only had to do desk work for one day." She revealed to them, clearly happy. "And you promised me free food, which is even better." She put her hand on Kirishima's shoulder, making sure he knew that he was the one who offered to buy her dinner.

"Yeah, yeah." He rolled his eyes, but he smiled at her. "Let us get changed and report to Fat. Then we'll go out." He assured her.

"Let me come with you." She said, suddenly whispering now. "I don't want to pretend that I like that guy anymore. He's kinda creepy."

"Yeah we probably should've warned you about him." Kirishima admitted. He put his hand on her waist protectively, leading her away from the main area. "He thinks that because he's good looking, he can talk to women however he wants."

"Kinda like a hot Mineta." Aika said. Amajiki felt a twinge as she admitted he was attractive. After all, he didn't look like that.

Kirishima laughed. "Exactly like a hot Mineta." He said. "And does anyone know what even happened to him after school?" He asked.

"I think he's still a sidekick for Mount Lady." Aika said, trying to remember what the last thing she had heard about him was. "I blocked about seven of his accounts on facebook." She said as they approached the men's changing room. She leaned against the wall as the other three went in. After a few minutes, they came back out, no longer dressed like heroes. Kirishima was wearing some light, faded jeans and a red pullover hoodie. Shoto wore a flannel, with a white t-shirt underneath and jeans. And Tamaki came out in just a black t-shirt and dark jeans. His hands were in his pockets and he was looking down at the ground, something that was pretty usual for him.

"Ready, m'lady?" Kirishima asked, holding out his arm to Aika. She took it, giggling.

"I'm always ready to eat." She told him as they walked back out into the main way. On their way to the entrance, the guys noticed the creep staring at her and Kirishima. In truth, that's why Kirishima had her hold his arm. He hoped it would keep that guy away from her for a while. Aika, however, walked happily next to Kirishima. She had a bounce in her step Amajiki couldn't help but be jealous of. She seemed to take no notice of the guy staring at her. And the guy noticed the three heroes seemed to be blocking him from her. That didn't seem fair to him.. They had a very nice conversation, after all.

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