Chapter Fourteen

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Aika sat quietly on Amajiki's couch, her legs criss-crossed. She was quiet, probably still trying to process everything that was going on. Amajiki was glancing at her every few minutes, seeing if anything changed, but she stayed still, eyes seemingly glued to the floor. Kirishima would catch Amajiki's eye every now and then, also casting concerned glances at Aika. She seemed so collected back at the agency, but now it was like her demeanor could change at the drop of a hat. Amajiki sighed, standing up. His movement seemed to catch Aika's attention, as her gaze left the floor for a moment to look at him, but it returned quickly. Kirishima wanted to help his friend, make sure she was ok. She went through a lot, it would make sense that she was running on pure adrenaline up until now. He could hear Amajiki rummaging in the kitchen. Maybe making Aika something to eat? No, he was probably making something for himself. None of them had eaten in a while.

Amajiki walked back out into the living room, the only thing in his hand was a steaming mug. He stopped in front of Aika.

"Here." He said quietly, holding it out to her. She broke away from her staring contest with the floor to look up at him. She looked at the mug he was holding, and she could smell the chocolate scent that was coming from it. He had made her a cup of hot chocolate, hoping that maybe it would help to soothe her nerves. It helped him when he was anxious. She took it, feeling the warmth radiate to the palm of her hands.

"Thank you." She said, seeming to come back to earth. It was the farthest they had gotten with her all night. She blew on the liquid for a moment before taking a sip. The hot fluid felt soothing on her throat. She could feel its warmth all the way to her stomach. She took a deep breath, and Kirishima made a mental note to remember Amajiki's hot chocolate trick. Kirishima glanced at Amajiki. He could tell he had something he wanted to say on the tip of his tongue, but he was biting it back. Maybe too scared of her zoning out again on them.

"Are you.. Feeling okay?" Kirishima asked her, deciding that keeping her attention was going to be better than silence.

"Hm? Oh, yeah I'm fine." She tried to reassure him, but neither of them were buying it.

"You seem to have a lot on your mind." Kirishima tried again. Using his experience of being Bakugo's best friend when he was kidnapped, he knew nothing good would come of her not talking it out.

"I suppose." Was the only thing she responded before taking another sip of her hot chocolate. She could tell by the stares the other two were giving her that this wasn't what they considered a satisfactory answer. "Honestly, I'm fine. I guess it's just my parents. If these people are who I think they are then it'll be pretty bad."

"Bad as in...?" Kirishima tried to push her. She was saved by a knock on the door. Amajiki walked over to it, not having realized that he had been looming over her during that conversation. He opened the door, revealing a scowling Bakugo. He pushed his way past Amajiki and into the apartment.

"You moved shit around." He said bluntly to Aika, carrying a cat carrier and a bag filled with what they could only assume to be supplies.

"You could've called if you had trouble finding things." She told him, setting her hot chocolate on the coffee table and standing up to help him. She took the cat carrier from him, holding the front of it up to her face. "Hi baby!" She cooed into the cage. "I missed you so much! Yes I did! Did you miss me too?"

Amajiki felt a smile lift the corners of his mouth. Aika gently set the cage down onto the floor. She grabbed the bag from Bakugo, rummaging through it. She pulled out some of the supplies he put together. Rogue's food and water dish were in there, empty washed and dried. She grabbed a can of wet food and filled the food dish.

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