Chapter 12

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When the heroes arrived back at the agency, other than Endeavor, they saw the ambulance near the entryway. So she was here.

"Thank goodness." Fatgum muttered.

"Sir?" Kirishima questioned, feeling everything except relief.

"If she's here, then the wounds weren't too serious. I know they looked bad, but if there were any serious damage, she would have been taken to a hospital." Fatgum explained once again. He didn't mind, though. He remembered what it was like having an injured ally. It was especially tough when a hero was just starting out.

"That's.. Good." Todoroki said, understanding Fatgum's relief and Kirishima's worry. He grew up with a pro-hero. He knew what villains were capable of.

Fatgum nodded. "Let's get inside. We may even be able to get an update on her." He said. He glanced over at Amajiki. He was staring at the ground, a frown curling his lips. His mind was obviously occupied. Fatgum knew he was blaming himself. If she hadn't pushed him away, she never would have gotten hurt. Fatgum put his hand on Amajiki's shoulder. It was enough to pull Amajiki out of his thoughts, at least. He looked up at Fatgum, who began to walk inside. He paused, however, when they heard tires screech behind them. The four of them turned around and saw Endeavor getting out of a car that none of them knew how he got. He opened the door to the backseat, reaching in and pulling out a single man, dragging him by the scruff of the neck.

"Do you have an interrogation room?" Endeavor asked Fatgum.

"Upstairs, to the left." Fatgum answered him, trying to process what he was witnessing. Endeavor dragged the unconscious man into the building without glancing at the others. A moment of silence as they all tried to fathom what just happened.

"Alright. Inside." Fatgum said once more, herding the other three into the agency. They went upstairs, turning right. The opposite direction of the interrogation room. "I'll see if I can find anyone. You three stay here." He turned around and walked out.

"Amajiki." Kirishima said once Fatgum closed the door. "Hey man, don't look so down."

"You.. you didn't see her." Amajiki said. "You didn't really see her. She was so pale. So.. red. And it was all my fault.." He said. "If I hadn't let her push me out of the way, she wouldn't be like that."

"But you would!" Kirishima said, trying to drive the point home. "We weren't going to get out of that without a scratch. Someone would've gotten hurt."

"Stop with your pity party!" Came a rough voice from the doorway. The three turned to see Bakugo and Midoriya.

"Why are you here?" Todoroki asked, surprised.

"I texted them." Kirishima said. "I figured they weren't far away, and they should know we found her."

Bakugo walked up to Amajiki, getting in his face. "Do you honestly think she would want you moping around right now?! Don't you dare let her see that frown on your face! She didn't save you so that you could feel sorry for yourself!"

"Kacchan.." Mirdoriya said. "Don't be so hard on him."

"Actually.." Todoroki began. "I agree with Bakugo. I've been working with her for a while, and the only thing that could make her feel worse would be seeing us so worried and concerned. I don't think he phrased it correctly, but the point is still the same."

"The important thing is that she's ok." Midoriya said.

"She didn't look ok." Amajiki said quietly, hanging his head.

"But she is." Fatgum said, reappearing in the doorway. He was accompanied by Endeavor this time. "The healers said she is going to be just fine. She'll have some scarring. There was an especially deep wound on her forearm. That'll leave a nasty scar for her, but the worst injury was the one sustained to her head. They suspect they knocked her out when we arrived. They said she should refrain from lifting too much with her quirk for a few days, as she has a slight concussion, but there is no serious damage. She's going to be just fine."

Then I'll Stay **Tamaki Amajiki**Where stories live. Discover now