Chapter Twenty Four

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Amajiki was woken the next morning by his phone buzzing beside him. He blinked a few times to clear his blurry eyes, noticing the pain in his neck and the weight on his chest. He looked down and realized him and Aika must have fallen asleep watching TV once again. She had a handful of his shirt, her head resting on his chest. He smiled to himself, looking at his phone and answering it.

"Hey Fat. Am I late?" Amajiki asked. He was looking around to see if anything in his apartment would tell him the time. "I'm sorry. I fell asleep on the couch by accident and didn't set an alarm-"

"You're not late, Tamaki." Fatgum assured him. "And I thought Aika was sleeping on your couch?"

"Uuhhh." Amajiki said, looking down at the girl sleeping on his chest.

"Nevermind that." Fatgum said quickly. "When can you be here? We have an important matter to discuss."

"I can get ready now." Amajiki said, his interest now peaked. "But can Aika come? Even if she just does desk work she's-"

"Yes. That's why I was calling." Fatgum told him. "Please bring her in. We want her here for this."

"Does this have to do with the group that's after her?" He asked Fatgum, trying not to wake Aika up.

"We'll discuss it when you get here." Fatgum told him. "Just please make it as soon as possible."

"Yes sir. We'll be there soon." Amajiki said before hanging up his phone. He looked down at the screen. 4:50 AM. He groaned slightly, knowing how tired he was going to be tonight. But whatever was happening must be important. He looked down at Aika, no time to be embarrassed. He shook her to wake her up. "Hey, common. We have to go to the agency." He said to her. She groaned, burying her face further into her chest. "I know it's early, but Fatgum said it's important, so wake up and we can go."

Aika's eyes slowly started to open. "What time even is it?" She asked.

"About five in the morning." Amajiki answered. She groaned again, but sat up off of his chest. "Get ready. I'll drive us to the agency."

"Okay." Aika said, yawning and rubbing her eyes. "Give me like five minutes in the bathroom to brush my teeth, then it's all yours." She said, standing up. She stretched as she walked back to the bathroom. Amajiki smiled. She didn't even question why she was sleeping on him this time.

The ride to the agency was quiet. Neither of them seemed to have the energy to say much. Both of their costumes were at the agency, so they had just thrown on some casual clothes quickly and went on their way. Aika yawned, leaning her head against the window.

"Couldn't you have let me sleep?" She asked him, still pressing her temple against the cool glass. "I mean I'm just doing desk work."

"I thought you wanted to come in." Amajiki teased her.

"Well I didn't know it was going to be this early." She cried. "I'd rather risk the villains."

Amajiki smiled for a moment, but then his face turned serious. "Fatgum asked if you could come in with me." Out of the corner of his eye he saw Aika perk up, looking over at him.

"W-why?" She questioned him.

"He didn't tell me. But I think it's safe to assume they found something." Amajiki told her. He could sense her fear, even though she clearly tried to hide it. He swallowed his anxiety, reaching over with his hand and grabbing hers. Aika tensed for a moment, but relaxed, curling her fingers around his. He wanted to tell her she'd be okay. That he wouldn't let anything happen to her. But grabbing her hand took pretty much everything out of him, so he squeezed her hand instead. He hoped it would assure her like he intended. The rest of the car ride was spent in silence, but their hands remained interlocked the rest of the way. Aika felt his warmth comforting. It reminded her that she wasn't alone. And she wasn't fighting alone.

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