Chapter Twenty Five

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The eight heroes walked up to the door, but before they even had a chance to knock on the door, the door was broken down from the inside and the eight were suddenly surrounded by the group. They were immediately outnumbered at least five to one.

"How did they know?" Endeavor asked himself. "Did they have some kind of security system I wasn't aware of?"

"Were people ever evacuated?" Midoriya questioned.

"Most should be at work, we weren't expecting them to retaliate so quickly and with such large numbers!" Endeavor shouted.

"Doesn't matter now." Fatgum said. "We're going to have to fight our way out of this!"

"We sure are!" Kirishima agreed, activating his hardening. He ran straight into the frey, beating up the villains without a second thought. Todoroki froze a lot of them into place, but more villains were coming out, outnumbering the heroes even more drastically now.

"How big is this group?" Bakugo asked, trying to use his explosion.

"Huge." Aika answered, kicking one of them in the stomach. "Bigger than you could imagine."

Aika kicked out at another of the villains. She was trying to avoid using her quirk, so they couldn't get any more information than they already had. The villain grabbed her ankle, leaving her helpless. But she refused to feel helpless because of them again. She used her other leg to jump up, spinning in the air as she kicked him in the face. He let go of her, but it caused her to fall flat on her back. It hurt, but she could handle it. She jumped right back up, looking around at what appeared to be a completely hopeless situation. Not only that, but she couldn't see any of the other heroes. She had already broken her one condition that had been given to her by the heroes. She felt fear try to grab at her heart, but she didn't have time to humor it. And she didn't have the luxury of fighting without her quirk. Unfortunately, nothing had gotten destroyed yet, so what was she supposed to use? There was hardly anything in the street she could make use of. She couldn't lift cars. She'd have to fight hand-to-hand for now. She'd figure out the rest later, but she couldn't let herself get caught. She continued to fight. She noticed people were trying to grab her more than fight her. After all, once they got those restraints on her she would be helpless. She was lucky that Endeavor was able to teach her such advanced combat techniques. Otherwise she would be screwed right now.

At another location on the battlefield, Amajiki and Bakugo were fighting side by side. They were both able to take out large groups of villains with one hit from their quirks, and they were faring far better than Aika was.

"Do you have eyes on Bewitched?" Amajiki asked him, not able to spot her.

"Isn't she your girlfriend or something?" Bakugo spat at him. "Shouldn't you keep your eyes on her?"

"She's not... Now isn't the time, Ground Zero!" Amajiki yelled. "You should know that. Can you see her or not?"

Bakugo sneered at him, but knew he was right. He glanced around quickly, but the lone female of their group was nowhere to be seen. "I don't see her." He responded. "Go look for her. I can handle this." He told Amajiki.

"Are you sure? There are a lot of them." Amajiki asked Bakugo. Their primary goal was to keep Aika safe, but that didn't mean he should put another comrade in danger.

"Course I'm sure." Bakugo said, smirking now. "This is child's play!" He sent off a large explosion, sending multiple foes flying in one shot. Amajiki nodded, taking off away from Bakugo. It was possible Aika was with someone else, but the way they had been separated so quickly made it seem unlikely. Chances are they were trying to separate her. The battle area wasn't too big. It was easy enough to spot Endeavor and Fatgum, both fighting multiple opponents. Todoroki could be seen by his wall of ice. Aika wasn't going to be that obvious, though. Or at least that's what he thought. At least until he noticed a street sign prying itself out of the ground.

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