Chapter Nine

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It had been about a week since Aika started training with Fatgum. This is the first day that he decided to give her a break and allow her to go out with the other heroes. Fatgum could tell she needed a bit of a spirit booster. While Fatgum, standing on the sideline, saw immense improvement in the small time that they had been working together, Aika didn't seem to see it herself. Her own idea of having a weight limit seemed to be holding her back. And Fatgum was unsure of how to proceed without putting her in danger. He figured allowing her out with the heroes would give her a boost to renew her energy.

The group of heroes were walking the streets. Aika was humming happily, which the other three noticed. She was the first out the door when they were told to go patrolling. Even now she was walking faster than the other three, staying just a bit ahead of them. She was appreciative of Fatgum trying to help her, but she would always love the actual hero work more than anything. Even Amajiki found himself smiling at her back. Of course he'd never wish for a crime to be committed, but he wouldn't complain. It would make her so happy.

"Hey Bewitched." Kirishima's voice rang out. "What exactly has Fatgum been doing with you?" Fatgum had been continually referring to it as their 'mission,' but as far as Kirishima could tell they never even left the agency.

"I guess Endeavor asked him to try a few new training methods with me. I'm not really sure why." She responded, shrugging. Endeavor seemed to think that she was more powerful than she actually was, and Aika always seemed to fail to prove him right. As far as she was concerned, she had failed once again.

"Why would-" Todoroki started, but before he could finish, there was a loud crash off in the distance. The four heroes looked at each other, before they began to rush to the scene. The scene was distinguishable by the large cloud of dust that seemed to erupt a few streets over. There wasn't too much screaming, so hopefully there weren't too many civilians involved. It's all any hero could hope for.

They ran as fast as they could, though none of the four had quirks that could easily be used for speed. Amajiki hadn't eaten any food that could help him manifest stronger legs. He was silently cursing himself for his breakfast of beef ramen, swordfish, and calamari. Todoroki was the only one who could ride his ice to the scene, but it was always better to stay in the group rather than attempt to get there first and try to fight alone. So, the four ran together in a group to the target.

Once they arrived, they saw a group of guys standing in front of a building. The side of the building had crumbled down, which had created the dust cloud. Upon immediate inspection, there didn't seem to be any hurt civilians, but a closer inspection would be necessary to be sure. The heroes took a look around, but there was nothing around that looked like it could be an immediate target for crime. No big stores to rob, no allies where suspicious activity may happen. The only conclusion they could come to was that the building belonged to a corporation of some sort, and the villains had a bone to pick with it. Though if that were the case, they wouldn't be standing in a line in front of the building. It was almost like the villains were sitting in wait for the heroes to get there. It struck more than one of the group members as suspicious. A possible diversion to bring heroes to the area?

They didn't get much more time to analyze the scene, however, because as soon as they were spotted the group of men started to attack. One ran straight for Aika, hand positioned like he was ready to strike. Aika dodged easily, grabbing the collar of his shirt and flipping him straight onto his back. That was all the heroes needed to start their attack. Once the villains went after one of them, they were going after all of them.

The collapsed building actually worked in Aika's favor. The debris was small enough for her to use her telekinesis on, giving her an almost infinite amount of shrapnel. She just had to make sure it wouldn't hit any of her own allies, so she would have to concentrate. Which meant that she didn't have time to waste on hand-to-hand combat right now. She was pretty good at taking people down without the use of her quirk, but she was much more valuable when she was able to take down multiple opponents at once with the use of her quirk and pretty much anything that may be laying on the ground, with the exception of a car. She knew she had to get away from these guys if she wanted to be able to help her comrades, but it seemed like everytime she knocked the wind out of one of them, there was another one right behind them to take their spot.

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