Chapter Twenty Six

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Amajiki waited for the crashing to be over as the one slab of rubble had crumbled. Aika must have been holding it together as well as keeping it afloat. He could feel the shaking body in his arms. He held her to his chest, determined that that would be enough to keep her safe. The crumbling stopped, and once again the dust cleared. Amajiki peeked his eyes open and saw Aika with her own eyes squeezed shut. She had her arms around his neck. His cheeks started to get warm, but he scolded himself. This was no time to get embarrassed. She was terrified.

"I am so over almost dying." Aika said, but she kept her eyes squeezed shut. Amajiki noticed her face seemed contorted in pain. She was pale, but was it due to pain or fear? He tried to look over her as best as he could. He didn't see any terrible injuries. There was blood on his hands, but he deduced it was from her scraped up back. That was expected. He just pulled her across the ground. She had some scrapes on her face. Probably from some falling rubble.

"Are you hurt?" Amajiki asked her.

"Not seriously, I don't think." Aika answered him. She squinted up at him. "My head is killing me, though." She said honestly. "Waayyy too heavy."

"I'm not sure what you were expecting." Amajiki smiled down at her. He stood up, keeping her in his arms and carrying her. Everyone gathered around the two, hardly believing that she was alive.

"I think I still have some..." Todoroki started, looking through all of his pockets. He pulled out a bottle of painkillers. "I don't have any water, though. You'll have to take them dry."

"That's fine." Aika said, taking the meds from Todoroki and downing them. She had never wanted them to work instantly more in her life. "That kid, is he okay?"

"He's fine." Kirishima answered her, pointing behind him. The kid was clinging to his leg, clearly scared.

"I'm glad. At least there's that." Aika muttered. She wanted to talk to the boy, but her head felt like it was splitting open.

"Hey, don't worry. The police are on their way. They're gonna take him and help him find his parents." Kirishima said.

"Good. They're probably so worried." Aika muttered.

"Amajiki, are you going to carry her the entire way back to the agency?" Kirishima asked him. It's not like Aika is heavy, but carrying any person that long would get tiring.

"No he isn't." Aika said, still squinting against the sunlight that seemed so dazzlingly bright to her. "I can walk on my own." She took her legs from his grasp, standing up. Her eyes still weren't open, but she took a step anyway. Her knees gave out, the pain in her head effecting her entire body. Amajiki moved quickly, putting his arm around her to keep her steady.

"Once these meds kick in I'll be good as new, just you guys wait." Aika said, squinting her eyes open to look around her. She saw everyone else there. Amajiki took off his cloak, wrapping it around her shoulders and putting the hood up over her eyes, to keep the sun out of them. Then he picked her back up, prepared to carry her the hour back to the agency. She brought her hand to her face, lifting the hood a little to look at him. "Don't you dare try to carry me that whole way. I can walk perfectly fine."

"Oh yeah. You proved that." Amajiki said, rolling his eyes. "I don't mind. It's not like I'm trying to carry Mirio for an hour or anything."

"Just get comfy, Bewitched." Kirishima said, walking up to her. He grabbed her hands, his face betraying that he had been trying to stay calm up until this moment. "I'm so glad you're okay. I really thought you were dead. I can't believe you held all that weight by yourself, it was so amazing! Oh crap! I touched you! I'm sorry!" He jumped back, letting go of her.

Then I'll Stay **Tamaki Amajiki**Where stories live. Discover now