Chapter Forty Eight

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A/N: Y'all. It's the last chapter! I can't believe it's finished! Thank you to anyone and everyone who read this the whole way through! I appreciate you all so much! I hope you enjoyed it! Thank you for all of the comments, love, and interactions that helped to keep this story going! I know it's not the most well written story, but it's mine and I completed it. There will be a short epilogue in a few days, and then this story will be marked as complete.


"I can't believe it's been so long since I've been here." Aika muttered as she opened the door to her own apartment. "The dust is probably insane."

"It was always insane. You never fucking cleaned." Bakugo's rough voice spoke up from behind her.

"Shut the hell up, Katsuki." Aika growled. Bakugo, Kirishima, and Amajiki had come with her to pack her apartment. She was glad she had cleaned up pretty well before she left for Fatgum's. At least it wasn't a complete mess.

"What are you going to do with everything anyway?" Kirishima asked her. He looked around her apartment. There wasn't a ton of stuff, but it would still be a fair amount of boxes.

"I don't know." She answered, shrugging. "I guess a storage unit, until I can find a place." Amajiki felt his heart drop. How could he mention to her that he didn't want her to leave him. He wanted her to stay with him. But that would be moving way too fast, right?

"There might be an empty spot in our building. I can check with them, if you want." Kirishima offered to her.

"That would be great, actually." Aika responded to him, mindlessly packing some of her nick-nacks away.

"Well if that's what you want, then why not just store your stuff at my place?" Amajiki told her. If she agrees, it'll be the first step to what he wants.

"Are you sure?" Aika asked him, pausing her packing. "It'll take up a fair amount of room."

Amajiki shrugged. "I'm not doing anything else with the space. And there's no point paying for a storage unit when you might be moving into the same building."

"If you're sure, then I'd really appreciate that." Aika responded to him. "I think I'm going to start packing my bedroom." Aika said, taking a few boxes with her as she walked through a door.

Amajiki couldn't help but wonder what her bedroom looked like. After all, she had seen his. He should be able to see hers before it gets packed up.

"Hey, why don't you go pack up that closet." Bakugo said, bringing Amajiki out of his thoughts. Bakugo shoved a box in his hands, pointing him over to the living room closet.

"Yeah, sure." Amajiki agreed. He took the box, opening the door that Bakugo pointed to. "Uh, I think I'll need a few more boxes." He said, staring in at the teetering pile of books, notebooks, and the likes.

"Yeah." Bakugo said, laughing. "That's where she just threw everything she didn't know what to do with. Just fill one box at a time. Good luck." Bakugo said, laughing even more as he made his way to the kitchen.

Amajiki sighed, trying to figure out where to begin in the closet. Some stuff was piled up so far he couldn't reach it. He stood on his tiptoes, trying to stretch high enough to reach the top of the pile. Instead, he lost his balance, falling forward slightly. His hand hit the pile, causing it to fall on top of him. He closed his eyes, bending his head down as the avalanche fell on top of him. Once it was finished, he slowly opened his eyes, immediately noticing one of her notebooks had opened as it fell. He looked down at an extremely detailed sketch of Todoroki. The graphite was a little smeared, indicating that the drawing was a little old. Amajiki bent down, picking up the notebook. He flipped through it, seeing sketch after sketch of people he knew were in Aika's class in UA.

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