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Every morning, I was woken with a bucket of ice cold water. Sir would tell me that he had been trying to wake me for hours but I wouldn't budge, so he has to take extreme measures. Every time after, he would carefully dry me, telling me how sorry he was and that he loves me.

I came to understand that it was my fault, I was suppose to wake up quickly. Sir didn't want to wake me that way, because as he said, he loves me.

After drying me off, he would walk out to let me use the small toilet in the corner that I had failed to notice the first time. He would return after sometime and take me out of the cell. We would move through the gloom beyond the small light of my cell.

Not cell, Room. Sir said that it was a basic room and that he would punish me if I called it a cell because his love for me would never let him keep me in a cage.

So, as we moved out of the room, everything outside was as dark as it appeared from inside. I had no idea where we were going but Sir was quick to reassure me that he wouldn't let me get lost.

After a long walk, we reached a door with a small bulb hanging near it. Producing a key from his pocket, Sir unlocks the door and ushers me in. I look around to see a decent bathroom. The tiles are white and black. There is a toilet, sinks, a tub and a shower.

I hear the door lock behind me, I turn expect to find the room empty but I am met Sir's torso. I look up to see him looking down at me with dark eyes. Was he angry at me? Would he punish me?

"Strip and bath." He said, his voice rough like stones on sandpaper. Did I do something wrong?

I politely fold my hands in front of me and wait for him to leave. He narrows his eyes at me and gets down to one knee to come in level with me and grabs my chin between his forefinger and thumb in a not tight but not soft grip either.

"Do you not remember Rule 2 My Little Doll?" He says in a gruff whisper.

I was shocked to say the least. "You a-are going to stay here?" I say with my eyes wide, I feel a slight tremble in my hands at he sound of my voice but I ignore it for the moment.

"Yes, My Little Doll. I will stay here to make sure you don't hurt yourself." He says. He had a glint in his eyes that I wasn't the most comfortable with. I open my mouth to say that I was perfectly capable of taking a shower myself but his hold tightening on my chin stops me. When I nod he smiles and engulfs me in a hug, and kisses my forehead.
The only physical contact I had was my 'family's' fist and feet and the guards....... Non of it was pleasant. But when Sir hugs and kisses me, it feels affectionate not malicious. I am starting to crave it and I only get it from behaving and following all the rules.

He gets up and sits on the sink counter and looks at me expectantly. I think for a moment. He wouldn't do what the guards did. He saved me and told me he loved me. No one had ever told me that they loved me. They always hurt me. Sir said that he would only punish me if I break one of the rules, which is understandable as they are rules and rules are made to be followed.

So I step out of the simple shirt, sweatpants and undergarments. I feel exposed and vulnerable but I resist the urge to cover myself. I walk towards the shower and turn on the knob to see that only cold water is available. That isn't a problem to me, I am used to cold water. In fact, my 'family' wouldn't let me use any of the dozen of bathrooms in winter and kick me out in the garden to bath with the hose's freezing water in the bone chilling winds and wouldn't let me in till I'm fully clean.

I start washing with my back to Sir. After some time with the excuse of taking a shampoo bottle, I peak around to see Sir watching me with burning intensity. I quickly turn around. I don't feel so good about this but I just have to keep faith in Sir.

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