My phone connected to the speakers and I hummed softly, shuffling through my music.

Finally I put on one of my favorite albums, and the music came through the speakers.

One look at Alastor told me exactly how he felt about the music.

I laid my phone down, letting a smile quirk at my lips, I nudged his shoulder. He sent me a glance and hummed softly in a questioning tone.

"You can pick the music for the way back, that way it's fair," I said, and his eyes widened but only just barely. I also watched as a bit of color rose to his cheeks and he quickly spoke, probably trying to cover it up.

"Thank you, darling..." he said, and with that I turned back towards my window, watching the scenery pass by.


I perked up when the town came into view. I couldn't help but smile, I just love it here.

"Ok, some stuff is probably different since you've last been here," I started, and he simply hummed in response, "so, you need to turn here, and park, then we can just walk," I said, pointing to the entrance of a small parking lot.

This town isn't very big at all, and everything is within walking distance.

He silently followed my directions. He's a weirdly good driver, which eased my nerves about him driving my car.

After he parked, I got out and stretched, pulling my arms over my head with a soft squeak forcing its way from my throat.

When I opened my eyes, Alastor was looking at me with a very soft expression, his smile nearly relaxed.

I tilted my head, "what?" I asked him, and he shook his head, clearing his throat.

"Nothing dear, I was just thinking," he replied, locking the car up before heading towards my side.

He held his arm out for me escort style and I eyed it, debating whether or not I was going to accept it. Ultimately I decided it would be fine to hold onto his arm, and looped my own around his.

His warmth felt nice, and I immediately found myself enjoying this new position.

He began leading me, keeping his other arm behind his back and his posture perfect. Part of me wanted to tell him that's not how people behave anymore, but I just let it go.

"So dear, where to?" He asked and I looked at him.

"I thought you had that covered?" I asked him skeptically and he glanced down at me with a small smirk.

"I do, but do you have anywhere you would like to go first?" He inquired, and I hummed slightly.

My eyes lit up and I began nearly dragging him down the street towards the little library. The building came into view and my smile widened.

"The library?" He asked and I nodded wordlessly, dragging him to the front doors. He reached over my head, pushing the door open from above me.

I looked up and then stuck my tongue out at him. He's still got over a foot on me even as a human. He chuckled at my childish act, stepping in after me.

The soft sound of the bell chimed and the quiet of the library followed soon after.

There was a bit of shuffling from somewhere by the front desk, and then the small form of Mrs. Ida popped up.

She spotted me and immediately made her way over with a gentle smile, "hello dear!" She greeted.

She made it to us, and her eyes trailed up to Alastor, momentarily widening from their squinted state.

"And you, sweetheart, I don't believe I know you..." she said, but her voice had taken on a wary tone.

Alastor opened his mouth, but I remembered then that every person in the town basically knows his history and who he is. I'm practically the only one that was clueless about him, I think.

I mean I knew stories of a serial killer, but I never looked into it.

"His name is Max!" I piped up with a nervous chuckle. I tried to pick a name that was practically the polar opposite of Alastor.

He slowly looked down at me, a weird look in his eyes before his smile widened and he looked back to Mrs. Ida.

"Yes...Max..." he said, begrudgingly.

Mrs. Ida eyed him, and then smiled, "well it's nice to meet you, honey..."

Her voice still sounded wary, and I furrowed my brows. She left us be, going back to her desk, and I let out a soft breath.

That was weird.

Haunted (Alastor x OC)Where stories live. Discover now