My eyes widened further, "you can-you can do that?!" I let out like a fascinated child. He seemed thoroughly amused with my reaction.

"Yes, but like I said it took a lot out of me...I'll need to stay here for a bit until I can transport home," he said and I furrowed my brows.

"Where did you sleep last night?" I asked him, confused. This house, although big, only has two bedrooms and one of them is currently being used as storage.

"The floor," he said simply and I nearly choked.

He slept on the floor in his own house?! I found myself shaking my head immediately, "that's unacceptable, until you can use your shit again you can have my bed, I'll sleep down here," I said.

He shot me down immediately, "I'll do no such thing, you are a lady, you get the bed," he said as if what I said was preposterous. I scoffed.

"Al, it's not 1925, seriously, take my bed," I said a bit softer near the end, tapping his arm slightly. He glanced down at my hand and sighed.

"Dear, I really don't feel comfortable doing that," he grumbled and I shrugged.

"Well, fine then, looks like we're both sleeping down here on the floor," I said simply, crossing my arms. His eyes widened.

"Aria-! Ugh..." he put his hand over his face, dragging it down with a sigh, "look, how about we share the bed? Hm?" He suggested and I froze.

Share the bed...?

I gave him a quick up and down, checking to see if he was hiding any ulterior motives. I poked him in the stomach, making him flinch slightly and rub the spot.

"You won't try anything...?" I asked slowly, and his ears perked up.

"Absolutely not!" He let out as if I'd offended him. I rolled my eyes.

"You won't fuck up my room?" I asked next, and he lowered his eyelids.

"Well technically it's my room, but no I won't mess with anything," he grumbled.

I pursed my lips in thought, then shrugged.

"Ok," I sighed, drying the dish in my hands and putting it up, turning towards him with my hands on my hips, "but so help me god, Alastor, if your hands come anywhere near me or my vagina I'll rip them off of your body and beat you to death with them," I said with a sweet smile.

He blinked, then his eyes softened slightly, "dear, have I ever done such a thing to you?" He asked.

My expression faltered and my smile fell. I looked down at my hands.

I felt him tilt my chin back up to meet his eyes, "have I ever touched you inappropriately?" He asked again, softer.

I shook my head.

"And that's how it should be..." he continued, "just because there is a man next to you in bed, does not mean sex will follow..." he spoke softly, as if speaking to cracked glass.

My brain showed me vivid images of every night with Josh. There were some nights I wouldn't even come to bed, I couldn't take it. Of course, he'd get mad at me for those nights...

I pulled my chin from him, pushing past him so he wouldn't be able to see the tears in my eyes.

Josh is dead.

He's gone.

I don't have to worry anymore, so why does the mere mention of anything that reminds me of him so......hard.

My lip quivered slightly and I stood in the doorway with my back to Alastor.

"I'm not one for relationships, Aria," Alastor's voice sounded from behind me, "but what he did to you was not it."

Those words made my breath hitch. I know that's not how it's supposed to be...compared to other couples Josh and I were the polar opposite.

He didn't take me on dates, he never held my hand, he didn't even seem proud that I was his.

But it's all I've ever known.

"I'll be upstairs..." I squeaked out, turning and taking myself up the stairs quickly. When I got to my room, I broke down into sobs.

If that's not what it's supposed to be like...

Then where's the man that will show me what it's supposed to be like?

Haunted (Alastor x OC)Where stories live. Discover now