Yana examined the Shōsha team composition. They didn't have a Libero. Nothing new there. But there was something about this current team that threw her off a little. Until she could properly guess what it was, all she could do was assume that the boys' team had a similar strategy to the girls' team.

Offence is the best defense.

Once Yana had finished her explaining, the coach gave his input on the team's starting order. It was the same as when they had a match against Karasuno except that they put Oikawa in as a setter rather than Yahaba.

Everyone huddled up in a tight circle. They were going to absolutely destroy Shōsha and its shitty captain along with it. "Go ahead and do the honors, Yana." Matsukawa grinned.

This time Yana knew it was coming. Over the multitude of huddles she had participated in, she eventually got used to leading the cheer and much to Matsukawa's dismay she actually didn't mind it too much. It wasn't quite enjoyable, but she didn't hate the idea of starting the cheer anymore. She paused to clear her throat. "Seijoh! Rule the court!"


After the huddle broke and they began to walk on the court, Oikawa turned to face his teammates. "I believe in all of you." The words were a promise but sounded like a threat, but each member knew that Oikawa didn't say the phrase halfheartedly. "Now then, let's win"

Everyone took their places; they were ready and fired up. Everyone wanted the first point. Whoever took the point could set the mood for the first portion of the match.

Shōsha had the starting serve. It was #13, one of the unknown first years in the club. #13 started several paces back, placed the ball to his forehead and waited for a second before jump serving.

The ball zoomed right over the backline players. All the Aoba Johsai students thought that the ball would go out of bounds but at the last second it dropped just before the end line.

The first point went to Shōsha Academy, service ace.

#13 got in position to serve once more. He did the same pre-serve ritual, #13 walked several paces back, placed the ball to his forehead, waited a second then served.

This time the ball was closer to the center of the court, Matsukawa prepared to receive the ball, if he was being honest it seemed like a free ball with how obvious the trajectory was. He swung his arms up for a dig. The ball suddenly curved midair and dropped just out of his reach.

The second point went to Shōsha Academy with another service ace.

There was a stunned silence with two service aces right off the bat. it wasn't very good for Aoba Johsai's morale. Despite their earlier bravado, Shōsha Academy wasn't an easy opponent. Yana pursed her lips as she watched the serve. It had been a while since she had seen a jump topspin serve. People tended not to use it competitively because the trajectory was far more predictable than a floater which made it much easier for the defenders to receive.

The first time Yana had seen that serve when she was younger it frustrated her to no end. It didn't seem like too challenging a serve to deal with, but the difficulty came from the power, speed but more importantly the topspin. If the server was precise enough, they could alter how much spin they wanted the ball to have.

"Oi, oi don't make this match too easy for us. You should work on your team's garbage receives" Iseri gave Oikawa a sardonic grin. As a middle blocker he enjoyed riling up the opposing team's setter. He wasn't breaking any rules but doing so would take a mental toll on the opponent. There was very little he enjoyed more than breaking a person down till all that was left was despair and panic.

#13 went to serve again but this time Matsukawa knew what was coming. It bounced up and straight at Oikawa. "Nice receive, Mattsun" The ball was in Oikawa's possession for barely a fraction of a second before he released it.

With all his strength and anger Hajime slammed the ball down on Shōsha's side of the court.

Oikawa gave Iseri a Cheshire's smile. "You should work on your blocks. Our spikes are getting through too easily don't you agree, Mr. Middle Blocker?"


Yana watched intently as the game continued with neither side gaining a considerable advantage. While Aoba Johsai gained points with spikes, Shōsha gained points through service aces. She had to admit, she wasn't expecting the Shōsha team to specialize in serves. The team must have gone through some drastic changes.

As much as she hated to say it, Coach Omori had a knack in finding the strengths of each player and polishing them. She was certain that Coach Omori had #13 practice serves almost exclusively. While #13 would excel at serves, every other aspect of his gameplay was left to suffer. Seems like Coach Omori hasn't changed his teaching methods.

Bump Set Spike (Oikawa X OC)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें