"Eyes on Hisoka." He reminded you quietly.

Obeying, your eyes, at a snail pace, dragged all the way up the white marble stairs that opened up to a surreal bright rays of sunshine piercing through the tinted windows, giving the alter a majestic aura to it.

As your eyes adjusted to the brightness, there in the midst, you saw a red haired man standing in a blacked out suit - already looking straight at you.

Instantly, you erupted into several shades of red with a massive grin tugging at your lips. It was all still too dreamlike to grasp that this was happening.

Holding his gaze, every single memory you had of him replayed backwards.

The first baby appointment you and him went too 2 days ago. "Your baby is in perfect condition."

Him tending to your wounds. "I'm almost done Y/n.."

Sitting underneath the stars with you on a trampoline. "Tomorrow I have to tend to a meeting after 1pm. We can start with the nursery after I get back, giving you more time to sleep. Is that okay?"

Waking up from surgery with him there. "I'm not leaving your side until you get discharged."

Tipping into a lake in Japan with him and struggling to get up the bank drenched. "Hisoka I can feel water by my feet. I don't think the boat c-can handle your thrusts."...
"Hisoka!" You playfully yelled while sliding back down the bank. Instinctively grabbing onto his ankle - pulling him down with you.
Landing back in the water, Hisoka glared down at you. A subtle smirk tugged at the corners his lips because of the comical aura that was still in the air and seeing what you just did was beyond him. "Do you want to get smacked right now?" He asked, pulling up his pants again.... "You
didn't need to pull up your pants
again or feel shy. You lower body is
just as good looking as your upper."
Huffing in amusement, "I know my
body is hot all over. I just don't want
my dick brushing against grass and

That heated argument before you lost your memories. ..."I tried bettering your life by fucking paying for your med school and this is how you thank me? You nothing but an ungrateful bitch."

..."What the fuck you want me to do
Y/n? You want me to give up
everything I have for you? Is that
what it will take? Will that be
enough for you? Because if you want me to give it
all up, I fucking will! It's not
important to me anymore!"

..."Because I fucking love you too
much Y/n! I'd rather go through the
pain of not having you with me than
have you dead!"

Feeling his gaze burn your skin when you returned back to this city for the high school reunion. "11 o'clock from you, and trust me. He did see you and still does. He has barely taken his eyes off you since you came.'' Yami said.

Having him kick you out the house.
"Get the fuck out of my house you deceitful woman!"

Helping him recover from his spinal gun shot. "What you felt was me touching your lower back you know that right?"

Placing him in the wheelchair for the first time because his stubborn self didn't want to help. "Are you going to put that upper body to use or expect me to do all the work?"

Sleeping on top of his hand when he was admitted. "You'd think Y/n is the patient by practically sleeping for over 20 hours."

Him calling you his enemies whore and giving  distasteful glances you and him would give each other during that Aizen arc. "Fine. Do what you want. I don't care about you anyways Y/n."

Each Other's End Game 2 (Hisoka x Reader) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin