He was gurgling at this point. I tskd, getting up and waving my hand. His body fell into a portal that opened beneath him.

It snapped shut and I quickly turned to find Aria.

She was in the same place.

Her little broken sobs made a weird feeling rise in my chest. I'm not sure why seeing her like this was pulling such a visceral reaction from me.

I walked over, lowering to my knees in front of her. I reached down, gently touching her arm.

I was shocked when she flinched away, her entire body slamming back against the bookshelf behind her as she cried out and started screaming.

I grabbed her by the shoulders, hoisting her up in front of me. She was thrashing around, crying pitifully. Her hands were weakly clawing at my suit.

"Stop! Stop! I can't do it again!" She cried out, covering her head.


That one little word made malice bubble within me, and suddenly I was sad I'd killed him so mercifully.

"Shhhhh..." I whispered softly, trying to hold her still.

That was all it took for her to stop, her eyes snapping open. They were wide, and she blinked, causing a few stray tears to fall.

My initial reaction was to wipe them away, but I couldn't seem to move. I just looked back at her.

"Shhhh..." I made the same soothing noise, loosening my hold on her shoulders. I hope that doesn't bruise her...I just needed her to sit still.

"He's gone..." I whispered softly.

She just gazed up at me, her eyes big and glossy. Then her face scrunched up and my eyes widened when she threw her body against mine.

Her jeans were still around her hips, I wanted nothing more than to help her fix them.

However, she seems to need this more at the moment.

She sobbed heavily into my shoulder, and I rested my hands on her back.

"You actually came..." she sobbed out. My eyes widened, my lips parting slightly.

She broke that vase...

On purpose.

For some reason my chest hurt then, and I couldn't help but think if I'd only been here in the first place...

My teeth grit and and I tightened my hold on her, "dear, of course I did," I said, forcing a chuckle and running my fingers up and down her back, "you broke our agreement after all."

My smile faltered, and my voice fell quiet, "but I suppose I can let it slide...just this once."

She pressed into me further, nearly crawling into my lap. In return, I looped my arm beneath her thighs and hoisted her into my lap, sitting back slightly.

I also used that moment to tug her pants back up, using a bit of magic to help them fasten properly without me having to touch her in that area too much.

I'm not sure how aware of her situation she is...but by the looks of it she's been badly beaten. Her arms were bleeding, and her lip was split.

I ran my fingers through her hair, trying to mask my rage and disappointment with myself. My voice came slightly shaky as I started to sing.

Her body slowly relaxed.

You must be so tired...

My arms tightened around her, my head falling into her shoulder when her body went limp in my arms. She's passed out.

I'm so sorry I wasn't there...

My muscles trembled and I creased my brows. Taking a deep breath, I picked her up, walking her to the couch and laying her down.

I'll deal with the stains later.

I saw she was wearing my "kiss the cook and die" apron, and my smile softened to nearly a relaxed state. I gently removed it from her body, folding it and setting it aside.

Using my claw I sliced her shirt, quickly peeling it away from her body to see the damage. Her body was black and blue, her stomach seeming to have taken the most of it.

I held my hand over her wounded areas and winced. This is bad.

But nothing I can't fix.

I started healing her, my body beginning to feel tired as I used my energy to lift her ribs back into place.

The bruises slowly faded, and after about 5 minutes she looked relatively ok again. Some scarring on her arms, and some faint bruising was all that was left.

I sighed, slumping forward and resting my forehead against the soft skin on her stomach. One of my hands rested on her stomach as well, and I brushed my thumb over her skin.

"All better, cher..." I said tiredly, the exhaustion from how much power I just used setting in.

Before I knew it my eyes were failing me, closing slowly.

I suppose it's my turn to pass out now, cherie...

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