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The following morning I was once again ordered to an event with the Queen, Princesses and Aria. Only this time my mother would be present as well. Estelle had been shocked to hear that she was at the castle, as Queen Isabella had not left Nadora since before I was born.

Nevertheless, she helped me dress again before sending me off to todays event in the library. I took my time walking down the halls, followed closely by Elias who was fast becoming a close friend and cofidant.

'Estelle was right, I can trust you Elias' Glancing across at him I caught the glimmer of a smile but he did not respond. When we came to the library doors he opened the door and bowed to me.

I was the first one there, even before the Queen so I took the chance to sit in my favourite chair.

'Good morning Eve!' The Queens cheerful greeting prompted me to stand from my seat and curtsy. She ignored that and embraced me in a hug. 'I am so glad Mason made the official announcement'

'Me too your Highness', she tutted me gently 'You will call me Grace eventually' she stepped away with a wink and sat in a chair that was facing toward me. I chose not to think too deeply on her comment.

The chattering from down the hall was audible long before the Princesses Sapphira and Heleana entered. They dropped into practised curtsies upon seeing the Queen then sat in the seats furthest away from where I sat. I resisted the temptation to roll my eyes.

'How did you sleep Heleana?' The Queen smiled at the two Princesses. The rudeness she had displayed last night was all tucked away and she responded sweetly that she had a heavenly sleep on such comfortable bedding. Sapphira agreed with her and they smiled at me snidely, assuming that the Queen had not spoken to me.

'And Eve, please tell Estelle that my maid enjoyed having her assistance on our hair before the ball'

Sapphiras jaw dropped as she realised that that meant I had been invited to the Queens chambers.

'Thank you Your Majesty, she will be very pleased'

Heleana, being a bit slower, looked between us all confused as she tried to figure out the implication of the interaction.

Finally Anne and Aria arrived arm in arm. They were speaking to each other in low voices and giggling. I ignored the small jolt of jealousy at the sight of my friend becoming close with someone else, especially when Anne was a likely match for the Prince. It made it all that much harder.

The Queen called for our attention, 'Ladies it is so nice to have you all here, and I wanted to take some time to get to know you all a little bit better. I am also to inform you that Queen Isabella will be joining us shortly and Mason will be along a bit later'

I ignored the impulse to stiffen up my back at the mention of my mother. The Queen turned to begin speaking to princess Heleana and Sapphira.

Aria and Anne had sat down beside me, but they returned to deep conversation about clothes and dresses, though it seemed they had a mutual obsession with riding and they were discussing the merits of different riding boots. I happily sat in silence, looking around the library I had come to love so much.

The door swung open and all too soon my Mother was in the room. She swept in with a sultry smile and bowed to the Queen before sitting next to her. As I expected, she didn't greet any of us or even glance my way and instead began to speak at length to the Queen about the things she saw on the carriage ride from Nadora to Corisan.

Quickly I grew bored of the conversations happening around me and I moved out of my seat and over to the books on the wall. I was so engrossed by the titles that it took me a while to pick which one I wanted to read. Eventually I settled on a book about military tactics, but I folded it inside a bigger book about knights and princesses.

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