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The Queen and I stood on the balcony and I stared at her wide eyed as she walked toward me. She passed by without saying a word and went to the edge of the balcony, looking over the gardens. I saw her shoulders drop in a sigh 'Join me Eve'

I obeyed her instantly and stepped to her side, looking out over the hardly visible gardens as well. Beyond the palace wall I could see a forest that stretched for miles, which I knew bordered the edge of Luridia.

We stood in silence. I was not sure how much of the interaction with Mason she had seen, if any, and so I did not want to justify it in case she was completely unaware. The quiet stretched for so long that when she spoke it startled me slightly.

'It is a hard life, to be Queen. There are endless duties that must be performed, people to please and subjects to guide. Then there is the duty of supporting your husband and raising children who will one day take your place'

She closed her eyes wearily and I saw the marks of exhaustion on her face that were cleverly hidden by powder. 'The princesses that were invited to stay at the palace all come from Kingdoms that could greatly improve the state of Corisan, none more than Proemysta. But my in my heart I have always felt that one of my children would marry into a alliance that could end decades of war'

Her eyes were steady when she turned to me 'Do you understand what I mean?'

I understood her and I was terrified. She was not dancing around the issue, she knew who I was. 'I understand your Majesty' my voice trembled. It struck me suddenly that she must have thought that I came to Corisan under disguise to get to know the Prince in a different way, not as a Princess.

'Aria has always had a tough time making genuine friends, but I am glad she has you' the words were meant as a warning, but it also confirmed my theory. I had to admit there was some relief that she did not know the depth of why I was really here.

'I am very fond of her, I would consider her a friend for life' though by the look on my fathers face when he discovered Mason kissing me, I had some doubts that my life would be lasting much longer.

'She does not like dishonesty, none of us do' the Queen's tone was slightly frosty but I could hear the hurt beneath it, making me feel like the lowest form of human. It had never been my intention to hurt anyone, least of all Aria. The mission was starting to feel too complicated for me and I longed for the days of following deadbeat criminals and hauling them into prison. At least then I did not have to lie.
I stared out at the garden without seeing, moisture in my eyes making it impossible to focus. A hand grabbed mine on the rail and squeezed, comforting me slightly.

'Your Majesty, Lady Davenport' the words behind startled us both and we were shocked to see that my father had joined us out on the balcony. Instinctively my hands balled up but the Queen stepped in front of me and smiled at him, ever the gracious host.

'King Anthony, are you enjoying your evening?'

'It has been...enlightening...your Majesty'

'It is wonderful that having you here has allowed us to bring the princesses and find a Queen for Corisan, we are grateful for your assistance' her words sounded genuine but it was her turn to squeeze my hand.

'Yes, well, I hope that our presence in Corisan will help to restore some of the relationship between our Kingdoms. The hostility has endured far too long'

My breathing was coming in short pants as I watched their exchange.

'As long as both Kingdoms are transparent about their intentions, I think we could create a strong and lasting alliance'

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