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All the Queen's words ran around my head while I got ready for dinner. Mason was genuinely considering me as a wife, the King and she approved of me. My hesitant happiness was dampened by the fact that my father would be ecstatic at the new developments.

The maids were happy to see Estelle again, chatting away easily with her as they dressed me.

'Why am I wearing something so fancy?' I looked at myself in the mirror, shocked that I looked so presentable. Now that short sleeved dresses were appropriate for the weather, I could see that my arms looked less defined and more graceful than they ever had.

Quinn spoke up from where she was choosing my jewellery for the evening 'All the staff were briefed this afternoon that we were expecting another royal guest, and that we should dress all dinner guests in formal wear'

I looked at Estelle puzzled, 'Do you know who is coming?' Her expression mirrored mine, but she did not look worried. I had not told her of mine and the Queens conversation, so she would not know to be expecting the King or Queen of Proemysta.

'None of us were told my lady' Maria commented innocently. I smiled at her and thanked them both for their help getting dressed.

When they left the room Estelle turned to me 'You know more than you're letting on' she accused. I had never been very good at lying to her, her having been the one who taught me how to lie. She knew all the tricks.

'I am not sure, I simply suspect' I countered.

'Are you going to tell me what you suspect?' She walked around me and smoothed my dress, looking for any imperfections.

'There, you are perfect' her declaration did not mean I had escaped her questions. She looked at me expectantly and tapped her foot.

'Fine, I think that the Princess Anne's parents have been sent for'

She did not see the significance of the King and Queen of Proemysta coming to the castle, and I did not enlighten her.

'Your father does not like them very much since they would not force her to marry your brother, but they do not know you, so I think you are safe. Elias will escort you to the dining room' though a misinterpretation, I was glad she was thinking of the details.

Just then was a knock at the door. Estelle called for them to enter and Elias walked into the room. He smiled at me and sent Estelle a very different look. It was similar to how the King looked at the Queen, and I could see that the love between them was real.

'I believe you are to take me to dinner Elias?'

He glanced at me and then realised where he was 'Oh of course, my lady, right this way'

I slipped my arm through his and he left me out of my chambers, both of us looking back at Estelle to see her smiling dreamily.

After a few turns in silence I could not resist asking him if he knew who was coming this evening.

His face shuttered, and he avoided looking directly at me. 'I am not sure, My Lady'

'You know!' I didn't know why he wouldn't tell me, but we were not good enough acquaintances for me to push the question, so I let it go. 'Well, I am glad Estelle is back here to help me, I don't know where I would be without her'

A bright smile crossed his face at the mention of his love. Estelle hadn't told him that I knew about them, so I chose not say anything direct. We came to the dining room and he was about to hand me off to an escort when Mason appeared on my side.

'I'll take her, thank you Elias'

Elias shot me a look but passed me easily, taking advantage of my momentary surprise at Mason's presence. It was beginning to feel like I lost all common sense when he was around.

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