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My nerves were fraught by the time Aria came to the door. Her dark hair and fair skin was complemented by the royal blue dress that she wore, far fancier than anything I would have normally worn to dinner, and yet as I stood before her I looked every bit the royal house guest. My olive coloured dress flattered my shape, clung to my waist and fell to the ground with only a slight petticoat underneath. I was grateful that Estelle had managed to find me a matching shawl in my luggage which covered my arms. Aria could not help but laugh when she saw me, exclaiming that I was a ninny for being so cold 'It is just air!'

As we made our way to the dining room I turned to Aria 'Are there going to be debutantes there for your brother tonight?' her smile turned to a groan while she shook her head. 'Not tonight, but the opening ball of the season is on the fifth day this week, and then there will be a steady stream of them for the next few months. They stay at the palace for as long as Mason wants them here'

'Perhaps he will not like any of them, and send them all home' my joke made her laugh, and the sound helped to relieve some of the tension in the air. She gripped my hand more tightly 'What would I do without you?'

I assumed it was a hypothetical question, and did not answer. We came upon a large door that was opened for us to reveal a dining room that was smaller than I expected. Servants milled about, but conversation ceased when we walked through the door 'Ari!' A young man cried, dropping his goblet and making his way toward us. A quick look at him confirmed that he was not the eligible prince.

The way he hugged Aria was not at all like a brother, in any case, so I kept my eyes on him until he pulled away and cleared his throat. 'Forgive me, your Highness, it is wonderful to see you again'

'And you too!' Aria smiled at him widely before she turned toward me and made the introductions. "Lord Caleb Wells, this is Lady Eve Davenport" he bowed toward me and I curtsied. 'A pleasure to meet any of Aria's friends'.

'Not that she has many' a voice teased from behind us. Aria turned with a gasp and once more launched herself into someone's arms. 'Father you are here!'. So that was the King. He hugged his daughter then pulled her from him at a distance to have a proper look at her 'You are much grown since I saw you last. I hardly recognise you now' his eyes drank her in causing her to laugh 'Not at all Father. I assure you. It is simply the shoes that Mother makes me wear now'

The King's laugh was booming, capturing the attention of those around him and bringing out smiles. Aria returned beside me only to push me forward a step. 'Father, this is Lady Eve Davenport, my friend from school'.
His gaze fell to me and I curtsied, rising at his nod.

He met my eyes and my heart stopped for a moment until a smile broke out on his face 'Wonderful. We are glad to have someone here to keep an eye out for little Aria' I kept the look of shock from my face, glad that Estelle had not come to dinner if only to avoid the elbow to my side that would remind me to keep my emotions to myself.

The King excused himself and strode over to his wife, taking her hand into the crook of his arm and gazing upon her fondly.

'Where are you from, Miss Davenport?' Caleb stood beside me once again, eyeing me with interest. 'I am from the Bazea, in the Kingdom of Luridia'

'Ah yes, Prince Petre has visited us here on occasion. Is your father a Lord?' his question sounded innocent but I felt the underlying inquisition that made my hackles rise, but I reigned it in and smiled simply, 'No my Lord, but my mother is the daughter of a Duke'

Caleb looked like he was about to ask me more questions when Aria cut him off 'No more questions Caleb, she is my friend. That is enough to know for now' I was grateful when she took my arm possessively, still coming to terms with the fact that I had a friend.

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