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Training beneath Master Lewin was instrumental in teaching me to compartmentalise fear and to get on with the mission. Without my fathers knowledge he had been using me in smaller spy missions around the kingdom, gathering intel and in turn teaching me the importance of finishing the job.

Three years of training had taught me to hide my emotions and get on with things. It was therefore confusing to try ignore the unfamiliar emotions I felt, wearing an incredible dress and feeling beautiful for the first time in my entire life.

I didn't have time to examine my thoughts before we came to the ballroom doors, relayed our names, and walked through while we were announced. I gazed across the room, noting exits and guards, and then I saw the King and Queen. We both curtsied toward them then descended the staircase, to be enveloped into the crowd. Protocol was that Aria would go take her place beside them, so I let her go before looking around me.

It didn't take long for me to notice all the white dresses around me and I hid my amusement. The five debutantes and their families were mingling, as well as noblemen and women from across the kingdom. I moved to the table for some punch, and spotted Clarisse Demoine standing in a corner by herself, looking incredibly uncomfortable.

"Lady Demoine" I curtsied in front of her and she returned the gesture, before smiling at me in relief.

"Lady Davenport. You look beautiful"

"As do you" I commented. She was wearing a light blue gown and her hair was done up in an uncomplicated style, allowing her large eyes to dominate her face.

I moved beside her and we watched the couples dancing before us.

"Can I tell you a secret?" My eyes snapped to hers and I nodded cautiously.

'I think the Prince is very handsome, and I am sure he is a wonderful man, but I do not want to marry him"

The confession came out in a shaky rush, followed by a sigh that indicated her relief. I was relieved that this must have been what I had picked up on in the drawing room earlier, though she left me confused "Then why are you here?"

'My parents insisted that I present myself to the Prince. They crave power' she pointed out a couple standing across the ballroom with slight disdain. Duke and Duchess Demoine stood out from the crowd simply because of her laugh and his size. They were not a particularly striking couple, but they held the attention of those around them. Clarisse was nothing like them.

"Your parents are... fascinating"

A very unladylike snort came from beside me, and I turned to her, in time for us to laugh at the same moment. We returned to looking around the ballroom, marvelling at the scene before us. I met Aria's eyes at the front of the room and pulled a face, only stopping when the Queen noticed and whispered something in her ear.

My eyes fell to Caleb sitting beside her, his gaze trained on me with a glare. I was unafraid of him and made the same face back at him. Aria then said something to him and his whole demeanour changed. He was clearly a sucker for the Princess.

Abruptly the mood of the room changed. The general conversation switched to an excited buzz, mainly coming from the four other debutantes in the centre of the room. With a great fanfare from the band, the doors Aria and I came through flew open once again and a hush descended upon the room.

"His Highness, Crown Prince Mason of Corisan"

He stepped onto the landing and looked down at the people gathered below him. A smile lit up his face. As he descended the stair case the tittering of the ladies grew louder. I watched him curiously. I hadn't seen him much throughout the week after the whole cold fiasco, and of course the brief moment when I overheard his conversation with the King. He looked regal. Where before he had seemed intense, looking at him now he seemed more confident, imposing. His hair was cut shorter and his eyes shone brightly.

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