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Just two days later The King and my father announced that each of the foreign princesses that had been invited to meet Mason had accepted the opportunity, and were to be arriving that evening. I was shocked at the speed of their arrival but Aria had whispered to me that Mason was one of the only Crown Princes of age that were left unmarried, and it helped that many kingdoms had heard of how handsome he was.

There was a flurry of activity in the castle as they began to prepare for the first ball since the attack had shut down the castle.

Though I had been the one to rebuff him, and had steadily avoided him after the incident in the courtyard, now it was like Mason had disappeared. If I entered a room he found a reason to exit. I could tell that Estelle had noticed and chose not to comment, keeping her own secrets as well.

The morning of the ball Aria came to my room and coaxed me to join her outside for the first day of spring, offering the chance to see the garden now that the snow had properly melted, and things were green again.

I agreed since I felt that I had neglected her for the past few days in my attempts to once again distance myself from the family. We stepped outside and I was overwhelmed with the smells of grass, and the sun shining. There was a slight chill that lingered and I was grateful for the shawl that Aria handed to me.

'The garden is lovely...' I got a few words out before she interrupted me.

'What is happening between you and Mason? You were avoiding him and now he's avoiding you'

With her hands on her hips and the glare from her eyes I could see how Aria would be as a queen, demanding answers from her husband, children and subjects.

I looked around the gardens, ready to ignore the question and change the subject, but all of a sudden I just felt so tired. So tired of the facade that had been created for me, and the lie I had been living. In that moment all I wanted was to be like a normal girl, and talk to my friend about the boy I had feelings for.

While we walked along I tried to find a way to tell her what had happened, but with her plea of not falling for her brother in the back of my mind I was hesitant. She grew impatient and stopped walking.

'If you do not tell me this instant, I will stand here and stomp my foot, and have a tantrum like a child!'

Her threat made me giggle despite the serious look on her face, but I sobered up quickly when she began to tap her foot impatiently.

I moved beside her and linked my arm through hers, pulling her along with me.

'Nothing is happening with Mason and I, I promise you'

That was the truth. Since our encounter in the courtyard he had not attempted to come near me, nor to my slight dismay, had he tried to kiss me again.

Aria picked up on my wording, 'I know something has happened though. He is walking around like a human thunder cloud, snapping at anyone who dares talk to him. Poor Caleb has gone to visit his family for a few days to avoid him'

Her concern for Caleb made me roll my eyes, 'Poor Caleb, however will he manage all alone with his family in their estate?' Aria sniggered beside me, the sound assuring me that she was not really worried.

I let out a sigh and continued walking, 'Fine, I will admit that something did happen between us, but it will not happen again'

'I knew it!' Her shriek right beside my ear nearly deafened me and I shrunk back, clapping my hands over my ears. She pulled my hands away from my face and demanded to know how long our "illicit affair" had been going on.

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