'Luckily her guardian was agreeable to breaking the betrothal with Nadora because Corisan was the wealthiest kingdom at the time and we were offering them help in the middle of a drought. It was also made easier by the fact that I was able to marry her straight away, unlike Prince Anthony, who was away at battle'

Suddenly the door opened and the Queen walked into the room. She took one look at her husband and son and closed the door behind her. I watched as she walked over and to my horror began preparing to light the fire 'This room is far too dark' she muttered, the double meaning obvious.

To my relief the King beckoned her over and took her hand, leaving the room in shadows. 'I was just telling Mason the truth, about why we feel the need to accept Nadoras help'

She gulped, but nodded for him to continue.

'So when the Prince returned, victorious in battle, to find his beautiful, smart future wife had married someone else, he was devastated'

The queen rolled her eyes at his compliments 'Nonsense, Teav, though in drought, was one of the best suppliers of wheat, he knew that if he had the control he could make Nadora even stronger'

'So he declared war on Corisan over mother?' Mason began to understand, 'Why have you not told us this until now, don't you think it was important that we know'

'Like I said, it was more over the loss of resource,' The Queen was thoughtful ', and I have not seen him since that day he returned. I felt quite uncomfortable at the thought of having him here, but your Father pointed out that perhaps this was a peace offering, and a chance to reunite our kingdom'

She sighed deeply 'As for not telling you, your father and I agreed that it was too complicated when you were younger. It was always the plan to tell you eventually, we just weren't sure when'

'And you are both agreeable to his suggested strategies?'

'He has suggested that he bring the Nadoran army here, to create strength and another line of defence for our own soldiers, should any further fighting break out' The King reasoned, 'They will still be under the orders of our commanders, and all he asks in return is that we feed his soldiers, and take a look at the peace treaty he has drawn up'

A peace treaty? The hair on the back of my neck stood up and I silently rubbed my arms to keep down the chill I felt.

'Is it too soon to be trusting Nadora when we are still not sure where the prisoners we have are from?'' Mason asked carefully, wary of his Fathers temper rising again.

The King shook his head 'There is no indicator that they are from Nadora. You have heard their accents, they sound like they're as far East as Taev at least. We are still investigating, but there must be some movement forward'

The Queen rose from beside the King and stepped over to Mason to reassure him 'If we have a chance at peace, we will take it, but not at any cost. Your father is a brilliant King, and he will be careful. There are plans in place should things go the wrong way'

Mason did not look completely happy with the promise, but he sat back in the chair 'What about the rumours about the Nadoran army? Their soldiers are trained to almost the brink of death to make them as strong as possible, and that their spies are smarter and more skilled than anyones ever seen before'

His eyes went dark as he followed the thought 'Having a foreign army here could swing very quickly from a helpful presence, to a occupation'

'If that were true, they would have beaten us on the battlefield before. As for their spies, if they truly were that good, I am sure we would not be standing here. Don't worry Son. We are simply using their men to help remedy our issues, then we will sign for peace and send them on their way' The King was sure in his resolve, and I saw Mason relax at his assurances.

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