NXT Takeover Tampa Bay Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this match is set for one fall and is for The NXT Women's Championship. Introducing first, From Santa Clara County, California....she is the NXT Women's Champion....Shotzi Blackheart!" Greg Hamilton said, firing the crowd up.

The crowd erupted in a roar of cheers. Then Greg turned to me.

"And the Challenger, From Adelaide, Austraila, Rhea Ripley...!"

The crowd erupted into a roar of boos, sending a small shiver down my spine. Shotzi handed her Title to the ref, who proceeded to show me it. I placed my hand on it, rubbing it softly, before returning my gaze upon Shotzi.

"Let's do this." She mouthed

"Fuck yeah." I mouth, before locking up with her in the middle of the ring.


Chris's POV

I sat alone, near a tv, watching Demi and Shotzi's match very closely. Honestly I have no idea who Hunter picked to win but they both were looking strong out there.

"Chris what's up man? Care if I join you?" Keith says from behind me

"Sure dude, the more the merrier." I reply, pulling a chair out, Keith sitting in it.

"So, Bennets taking on Blackheart huh? I wonder who's winning this."

"Uh I'm not too sure. They've both been looking strong, so it could go either way to be honest."

"I heard Demi passed out earlier. Is she ok?"

"Yeah I think shes fine. I told her that's shes been over working herself and she needs to cool it down for a bit."

"I agree with you. Demi's a hard worker, there's no denying that. I think she works a little too hard sometimes."


Back In The Ring, Ending of Match
Demi's POV

Shotzi and I were both layed out in the middle of the ring after colliding on a double lariat. My head was in a lot of pain, I guess those ibuprofen pills I took earlier werent doing they're job. Shotzi, gets up first, bringing my limp body up. She walks over to the ropes, slamming my head onto the turn buckle, sending me falling to the mat, grabbing my head. She lifts me up, climbing to the top rope. She jumps off with me in her arms, hitting her signature move, A Top Rope Rolling Senton. I hit the mat, gassed as Shotzi runs over to my limp body, pinning me.




"Here is your winner and still the NXT Women's Champion, Shotzi Blackheart." Greg Hamilton says

20 Minutes Later

I make my way backstage, after talking with WWE doctors about my head. Shotzi and I put on a clinic out there for everyone and reactions showed. Shotzi, Toni, Scarlett and I were walking around back looking for Chris.

"I'm really happy for the both of you right now." Toni says Smiling

"Yeah what a match. It had me at the edge of my seat the entire time." Scarlett says, patting Shotzi and I's shoulders

"Thank you guys, that mean a lot." I say, returning the smiles

"Just the person I was looking for."

I look up to see Chris in front of me, with a huge smile plastered over his gorgeous face. I blushed looking down as his arms flew around me, the girls followed suit.

"Group hug." He says laughing, kissing my cheek lightly

Everyone pulls away as Chris wrapped his arm around my side.

"You two are amazing." Chris says, first bumping Shotzi, as Scarlett and Toni hug her to death.

I laugh slightly

"Never gets old." I say, leaning against Chris's body as he pets my hair.

"Well, we'll see you guys later ok? We gotta get back to the hotel now." Chris says, Holding my hand

"I'll call all of you later." I say, winking at the group waving.

Chris and I make it back to the hotel quickly. I rush into the shower, cleaning myself up before jumping on the bed, scaring Chris a little. I look up at him, smiling.

"Hi." I say

"Hello beautiful, something on you're mind?" He replies

"No, I'm just admiring what's mine."

Chris raised his eyebrows, his cheeks turning a dark red.

"I uh, I'm gonna go to bed, wanna cuddle?" He says

"Sure love." I say, as he wraps his arms around me. "Goodnight Chris, I love you."

"Goodnight Babe, see you tomorrow." He says, placing a soft kiss on my lips.

We fall asleep shortly after.

"Today was fun, but the future is going to be even greater." -Demi


Word Count - 1,402

Thank you all For reading NXT Takeover : Tampa Bay Part 2. I appreciate all the support on this story and my other stories on my profile. It means alot and I'll continue to put these out every Monday and Thursday


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