I brought one of my hands up to her back and began to rub softly along with us still swaying and eventually her sobs turned into sniffles

"You're okay" I tell her again

15 minutes later she stopped completely but only because she had fallen asleep.

I moved to the couch and laid down with her on top of me

Her head lay on my breast while her arms hung on either side of me and her legs laying straight as mine were

I had one  of my arms above my head and the other securely around her and calmed myself down

That was a lot. A lot more than I am used too. I knew she had some separation problems with JJ I just didn't think it was this bad

After calming myself down I took this opportunity to get some rest and closed my eyes along with Mara


I hated this. I hated it all. I didn't want to leave her. She was crying and I hate when she cries

I know she will be safe either Emily that's not the problem.

We also know she obviously has some separation Anxiety already. So I know, me leaving this morning with not really giving her much of a heads up probably confused her and upset her

I just already can't wait to get back home to her

Once I got to the doctors I signed myself in and waited to be called back which didn't take very long

Once I was in the room I didn't change into the gown yet, I wanted to call Emily and see if Mara had calmed down and then I countered that with if they were playing or something I didn't want Mara to get upset again.

As I was thinking the doctor came into my room and I had completely lost track of time

"Jennifer" she smiles softly

"Dr. Walsh" I smile

"Is everything okay?" She asked and I sighed

"Yea, just my daughter has a really hard time with me leaving this morning and I'm just worried" I say and sit down on the edge of the bed

"Daughter?" She asked as she sanitized her hands

"Emily and I are on the way to adopting her" I smile

"That's wonderful, congratulations" she tells me

"If you want we can do this as quick as possible?" She offers

"Yes please" I smile

"Of course. Now last year you had a Pap smear so we don't need one this year unless you feel like you do" she says and I nod, I'm really glad I don't need it this year,

"I think I'm good on that" I say and she nods

"Alright, now I'm just going to ask some questions" she smiles and I nod

"First, how many sexual partners have you been with in the past year?" She asked, I get asked this question all the time and the answer has been the same for 3 years

"One" I say and she nods

"Any pain with intercourse?" She ask,

"No" I say, I mean definitely not in the way she was asking

"And how are your menstrual  cycles?" She asked

"Uh, good. They come on time every month, usually only last 6 days" I say and she nods

She continued to ask me questions and I answered honestly

"And that's all, I hope everything goes well with your little girl. It was good seeing you Jennifer" she smiles  and follows me out of the room

When I opened the door to apartment it was completely silent. I laid my bag on the table and walked further into the house

When I got to the living room I immediately smiled seeing the position Mara and Emily were in,

Mara laid comfortably on Emily's chest and Emily has one arm around her

I quickly took a picture and kissed both of their heads before changing into some more comfortable clothing

When I walked back out to the living room Mara had her eyes open and looking around but made no attempt to move off of Emily

"JJ" she smiles softly and reaches for me to pick her up

I loved Emily's arm off of her and picked Mara up and she clung tightly to me

"You're back" she smiles

"I told you I would be" I smile and bend down with her so I could wake up Emily

"Em" I say and kiss her lips a few times and she wakes up, magic

"Hey, I'm home if you want to head into the office for a bit" I say and she nods

"Everything okay with you?" She asked

"Everything is good" I say and she smiles and gets off the couch and heads back into our room

"Did you have a good nap?" I ask and she nods

"Emmy comfy" she says and I chuckle

"I think Emmy is very comfy too"

Till next time ❤️

Change of Perspective (Jemily)Where stories live. Discover now