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3rd person POV:

The broken replica spear of Longinus was deep in NERV HQ.

Eva stood over it, bending it while he helps forge it into a new weapon.

Misato: Will this work?

Kaworu: Of course it will. Any artificial weapon can be reforged.




Yn slammed his fist repeatedly against the broken replica spear, which he heated up with his wings of light.

Maya: Be careful! You don't want to shatter it!

Yn: This is literally my first time forging! Give me a break!

Kaworu: You are doing splendidly! Let your heart and soul lead your hammer of justice to the correct spot!

Maya: P-preferably the spots I'm showing you, so it follows our design!

Misato: If this works out, what exactly will we have?

Maya: Well... If the material itself can bypass an AT field, then once this weapon is complete, we'll have a weapon second only to the spear of Longinus itself.

Misato: Well, let's hope this time it won't break.

Kaworu: The replica was made based on my spear, something foreign to the ultramen.

Kaworu: They made something imperfect... This will be something brand new.

Kaworu:(smiling) This is exciting...




(Opening theme)

Asuka/Rei: Ugh...

Gel: Such an...i-intresting feeling... The desire to vomit but no ability to do so...

Ion: It's torture...

Asuka/Rei: Silence. I have a fusion hangover....

Ion: You two were on the verge of missing your window to turn back.

Gel: We can only hold back the process so much. And the more you use it the harder it will get to convert back.

Asuka/Rei: I know!


Asuka/Rei: Damn side effects...

Gel: For all our sake, avoid using that form at all costs...

Ion: Or come to terms with becoming one with each other.

Rei and Asuka turn to each other, staring intensely.


Asuka/Rei: How can we get stronger then?


(NERV cafeteria)

Mari: So how do you feel about the return of Eva.

Yn: N. I'm Eva now.

Mari: Yes, yes, my apologies. How does it feel to see N back?

Yn: It sucks... He kinda stabbed me in the back.

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