Jet Alone, Ride Together

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3rd person POV:

On top of a boulder, near the beach, Yn was able to privately talk to Eva, whom he had questions for after being given the truth about the second impact.

Yn: So let me get this straight...

Yn: The first impact killed the dinosaurs... And was caused by Adama and Lilith killing each other...

Eva: Correct.

Yn: The second impact was caused by people molesting Adam's body.

Eva: In a way, yes.

Yn: Now the Angel's... Hearing Adam's "signal", are coming here.

Eva: To caused the third impact with Lilith's body, as revenge.

Yn: That just leaves, what is an "Impact"?

Eva: Angel's and Ultramen have cores. Those cores draw out power from another dimension.

Eva: When a core draws out too much power and overflows, an "Impact" occurs.

Eva: Adam and Lilith are the strongest, that is why their impacts are so devastating.

Yn: Fascinating... One more question... Where's Lilith now?

Eva: I feel her presence close, but also in multiple locations. I cannot say for certain.

Yn:... What does it mean to "feel" someone's presence?




Yn: Hello?

Yn:... Welp... I got somewhere at least...

(Opening theme)

After befriending Kensuke and Toji, they and Yn became an unlikely trio.

Toji: What's it like getting hit while you're all... Ultra?

Yn: I can punch you in the face and you'd understand.

Toji: Pass.

Yn: Are you sure?

Toji: Of course I am!

Yn: Your loss...

Kensuke:... You can punch me.

Yn: Kensuke, it's time to take your first step of becoming an ultra man.

On their way home, Yn separated from the duo and walked together with Rei as they headed to Nerv HQ.

Yn: Hey Rei-Rei, how's it hanging?

Rei: I have nothing hanging.


Yn:(mind) Thinking about it now, what does "how's it hanging" refer to?

Yn:(mind) A dick?

Yn:(mind) Ugh, focus!

Yn: Any plans after our daily testing?

Rei: I will go home and rest.

Yn: Perhaps you'd like to take a detour? I found this great burger place, that you'll love.

Rei: I don't like meat.

Yn:....(mumbles) A freaking vegan, huh......?

Yn: Well how about a-

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