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3rd person POV:

On the day Lilith awoke and vanished with Ultraman Eva, SEELE's plans were terminated along with Gendo's.

Whilst Gendo was placed in prison, SEELE went into hiding.

After that day, Angel's were a rare occasion.

NERV attempted to search for Yn. But commander Nagisa quickly shut down the search, knowing they could be anywhere in the universe.

15 years later...

Asuka, behind a computer, stared at a computer screen with an old photo of her and Yn on it.


Asuka: Where the hell are you

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Asuka: Where the hell are you...?

(Ring, ring)

Picking up her phone, she finds Misato on the other end.

Asuka: Yeah?

Misato:(on phone) We have an issue, get over here.

Asuka: I'll be there.

(Opening theme)

Asuka, Rei, and a girl named Mari stood in front of Misato and Maya who showed the three a hologram of what looked like a meteor.

Misato: This object is coming straight at us.

Maya: It's traveling 200 kilometers per second, and will hit us in approximately an hour.

Misato: Rei, you'll fire at it with the ultra cannon. Try to break it down into pieces.

Misato: If that doesn't work, Asuka, you'll slow it down manually.

Misato: Then you, Mari. If all else fails, you'll try to catch it with your AT field.

Misato: Understood?

Rei/Asuka/Mari: Roger!

Misato: Okay, let's not waste any time people! To your stations!

(An hour later...)

Rei, in her Gel form, aimed at the approaching meteor.

Gel:... Something is off about that meteor...


Pulling the trigger, Rei shot at the meteor which hit an AT field.

The shot still penetrated the meteor but it doesn't split apart.

Rei: HQ, the shot struck the target, however, an AT field weakened the blast. It's still in one piece.

Misato:(coms) Alright. Asuka, you're up!

Ultraman Eva: GenesisHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin