The sun and moon

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3rd person POV:

(9 months since Lilith and Eva disappeared)

It took many months for a sense of normality with NERV to return.

Construction of a new city was in development and the search for Yn was still going strong.

On the edge of the chasm where Tokyo-3 once was, Asuka stared up at the moon.


Asuka:... No, no, take your damn time... Stupid idiot...

Hugging her legs, Asuka stared up at the sky where she saw Yn get taken away by a familiar face.

The cold gentle night breeze made her hug tightly.

Besides the wind, footsteps could be heard, which she ignored.

The steps stopped when the person arrived behind Asuka.



Looking at Asuka, Rei then turned her gaze to the sky.

Asuka: What do you want, doll?

Rei: Misato wished to know where you were.

Rei: She also had a message...."Come home".

Asuka: Tch...

Standing up, Asuka turned around with a spiteful gaze towards Rei.

Asuka: Thanks... Now do me a favor and jump off this cliff.

Walking past her, Asuka purposely bumped her shoulder against Rei's.

With nothing more to say, Asuka went home to Misato, who she ignored and went straight to bed.

Rei stood over the cliff for several more hours, looking down it.



(Opening theme)

(1 year after Yn and Lilith's disappearance)

In NERV's gym, Asuka was training hard to not only keep in shape but to release some stress.

Since Lilith disappeared, no Angel's had been sighted.

But in their state, there was little time to relax. If an angel came to an attack in their state, it could be catastrophic.

Today would be the last day the people at NERV would stay in the old headquarters.

Discovering the rotting blood of Lilith, evacuation to the surface was immediate.

Rei and Asuka have had little to no contact with one another.

(1,2 years after Yn and Lilith vanished)


An Angel landed in the United States.

Rei and Asuka were immediately sent to handle it.

As a cargo jet as their transport, the two were transported across the sea to face the Angel.

(The Angel stars: Azrael)

(The Angel stars: Azrael)

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