Lost: part 1

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3rd person POV:

Passing thousands of stars in such a short amount of time, Yn was blinded as Lilith continued to drag him across the cosmos.


Stuck in the form of Eva who had betrayed Lilith and as a result, his own kind, Yn was feeling many emotions.

From confusion to fear, Yn wondered where he was being taken.

Upon a sudden stop, Yn was flung across space, away from Lilith who was strangely still growing larger.

Lilith: Have some fun whilst mother does some chores. (giggles)

Her spine crawling giggle was the last thing Yn heard before he got caught in the orbit of a planet and began plummeting to its surface.

Yn: At least it's some solid ground!

Eva: Fool, that's the angel's home planet!


Yn: Shit, shit, shit, SHIT-


(Opening theme)

Yn: Ugh...

Gradually rising to his feet, the purple titan stumbled a bit as he regained his bearings.

Yn: When I woke up today... I never thought for even a second that I'd end up on another planet...

Yn: I imagined being stuck as a giant... But not this!

Yn: Not the Rei thing! Not the Father thing! Not the Rei looking ultramom!

Yn: Especially not the fact that you're the bad guy, Eva!

Eva: I am not a villain!

Yn: We wouldn't be here if it weren't for you! You're lucky I talked her out of killing us!

Eva: If it weren't for me your race wouldn't exist!

Yn: You had nothing to do with that! You just killed the fucking dinosaurs, evolution did the rest!


Yn: Of what?

Eva: Complaining! We need to move before the Angel's arrive.

Eva: We're in their home territory. Here, we'll most likely come across the most dangerous mature Angel.

Yn; Is an old Angel really that bad?

Eva: Remember the last Angel we fought.

Yn:... Oh...

Looking up at the sky, Yn saw the giant naked white Rei known as Lilith, sadistically staring at him with a smile.

Choosing a random direction, Yn ran.

Yn: Can the flight form take us back to earth?

Eva: The flight form is for aerial combat. We don't need it to fly back.

Yn: So we CAN fly back?

Eva: The trip will take several years.

Yn: Can we shorten it to at least a few days?

Eva: Yes.

Yn: How?

Eva: Kill Lilith and consume-

Ultraman Eva: Genesisحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن