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{No ones POV}

Jackson fiddled with the zipper of his jacket while waiting impatiently in Natasha's parking garage. He had been waiting for almost two hours since he left the club, and anticipated her soon to be arrival.

For the past couple of weeks, Jackson had been stretching himself a bit of everywhere. He made the well needed trip to the Dominican Republic to do some investigating and found exactly what he was looking for.

Traces of Alexander's gang were all over the island, but by the time he arrived they had packed up and migrated again.

Jackson even found the seller of the house being occupied there that left him with a statement before he killed off yet another witness.

When it came to his feelings toward Natasha, his heart sunk to his stomach every time. Like Natasha, he too found himself in love with his partner. Unlike Natasha though, Jackson will do what he has to do in order to remain in power, and if that means letting go of the woman of his dreams then he couldn't think twice.

Natasha pulled into her assigned spot in the garage then looked for Jackson's vehicle. Two of her father's men always stood by the elevator whenever she had to work in order to ensure her safety into the building.

Jackson flashed his lights for her to notice him. Natasha wiped her clammy hands against her grey shorts as she took her time walking over to him. Despite Jackson's mixed feelings, he still couldn't resist himself from opening her door for her, and her gentle 'thank you' still warmed his heart.

"What's going on Jackson?" Natasha spoke first.

She couldn't get her horrendous thoughts to quiet down since he left the club. All she could assume was the worst, and that's exactly what she got.

Jackson proceeded to present every detail he could find, story he could remember, and feelings he had left.

"I told you I wouldn't lie to you..." Jackson's shaky voice let out as he stared numbly at his lap.

Going through all of the evidence sent him back into a blind rage. He hated the risk that came with his life, and how it shows him the same lesson every time: enjoy what you got while you have it because it could be gone in the blink of an eye.

Natasha couldn't find the words. She stared at her interlocked fingers until they became a balled up blur as tears fell. She shook her head slightly in disbelief, and almost let out a small psychotic laugh.

"I just.. I.." she struggled to find the words.

Jackson debated if he should say those fatal three words on how he felt. If this was his last time seeing Natasha, he could at least get it off his chest.

The truth of the matter is- none of this is Natasha's fault. If you really think about it, she's just a beautiful girl living the consequences of two grown men with an addiction to power.

"Can I tell you something else?" Jackson asked as he listened to her soft cries.

Natasha had a lump the size of Texas in her throat that didn't permit communication, so she nodded while continuing to wipe her own tears.

Jackson reached over and pulled her face out of her hands. His chest tightened as he watched her bloodshot gorgeous doe eyes drip tears into his hands against her cheeks.

"I love you, and you don't deserve any of this," he reassured.

"But we both had lives before each other Natasha, and I can't afford to lose anymore.." he broke down even further.

Natasha kept crying as hot tears rolled onto Jackson's hands. Just when she hears he feels the same, they have to go their separate ways.

She didn't know who to be more upset with.

Her father that cursed her because of his wicked destruction.

Or Jackson, who chose his work over his love for somebody else..

...over his mental well-being.

"Please say something baby.. I hate seeing you cry," Jackson begged as he kept wiping her flushed cheeks.

But what could Natasha say?

"I love you too."

"Fuck you."

"Why did I have to fall in love with you?"

Are all questions Natasha asked herself while staring at Jackson's blurry figure.

She closed her eyes for a few seconds while taking a deep breath as she removed Jackson's hands from her face. He wiped his wet hands against his pants while anxiously waiting for a response.

"So I guess we're done seeing each other.." Natasha coldly said while staring straight into the parking garage.

She noticed her dad's men making a few glances here and there into Jackson's truck, but knew if Natasha really needed them she'd signal, so they tried their best to stay put.

"Yeah I.. I guess we are," Jackson answered, staring at her with pleading eyes.

Natasha couldn't find any more words to say yet had countless emotions to feel. She hurriedly unlocked her door and hopped out before she started crying again in front of him.

How could my dad lie to me?

How could Jackson choose his work over me?

Do either of them even care about me like they say?!

Natasha asked herself numerous questions as she walked straight to the elevators. She didn't even care about leaving her work bag filled to the brim with green bills. All she cared about was the elevator coming to save her.

She never heard Jackson's car start, or it pull off. That's because she noticed his head leaning against the wheel once she stepped into the elevator.

At least she knew she wouldn't be the only one this would be hard on...


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