-Thirty Seven-

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An: sorry for another short chapter but I also promised you guys another update soon!
Also Pierce reveal! I couldn't imagine him as anyone else but mgk , sorry if y'all see or feel different I should've taken a vote.

Hope you all enjoy though
<3 .


I scattered the fresh stack of papers all over my desk in a frenzy. New evidence of another hit had just come in overnight. One of my garages on the islands got broken into and a few of my cars were hijacked and stolen.

These crimes ranged anywhere from petty to malicious. It would either be just enough to ruffle my feathers and piss me off or entirely too much and send me into days of seeing red.

These people knew exactly what to do to upset me, and the fishy smell for Pierce only intensified.

As I scrambled through the papers, video footage, and receipts for my stolen cars, I noticed something particular in each purchase.

They were all shipped from a place in the Dominican Republic. My cars were located in Puerto Rico, meaning they not only were stealing my belongings but taxing off of them too.

"Fuck!" I slammed my fists down into the desk so hard I heard the faint sound of the wood splitting slightly.

"Yo.." Pierce knocked, only to let himself in.

"Not in the mood," I warned him before he said anything stupid.

Lately I've been more blunt and short with Pierce than usual. I couldn't trust anyone in my life right now- especially not him.

"Yeah well you need to hear this," Pierce tapped on the iPad as he walked slowly over to my desk.

"I sent a few of the boys to the DR while you were playing husband to Natasha."

I clenched my jaw and fought the urge to punch him in his puny little chest.

"They think her dads hiding out there right now."

I scoffed and shook my head.

"Bull shit. She wouldn't lie to me," I snatched my half empty glass of Hennessy off the desk for a few gulps.

"Oh Really?" Pierce's face lit up with excitement, as if he couldn't wait to prove me wrong.

"You know his label, right? This was on a few of the 'pedestrians' wandering around the city. He has men everywhere," Pierce dropped the iPad into my storm of papers.

I glanced between him and the iPad for a few seconds before downing the rest of my drink. I set the glass down and snatched up the iPad.

Every gang has a brand or label that represents them. Ours is an elaborate snake crossed between a dragon that resembled something terrifying yet intriguing.

Alexander's logo consisted of a vicious wolf with blackened eyes that gaze into your soul.

I noticed the logo patched on different areas of an outfit in every picture they'd capture of 'pedestrians'. They all dressed like a regular citizen of the town, but also wore or carried something that could conceal their weapons.

So she would lie to me..

"How do we know it's legit?" I raised a brow, setting the device back down.

Before, any conflicting feelings in my love life could be easily distracted with work, but now that my love life was mixing with my work, I didn't know how to continue about.

"Don't blind yourself over püssy man, you're smarter than that," was all Pierce said before grabbing the iPad and walking back out.

As soon as the door shut behind him I began destroying almost anything in my path. I threw every paper in sight off on to the floor, tearing some sheets in the process. I sent glasses anywhere near me towards the ground or wall and watched the dark liquor stain everything it touched.

My office chair ended up flipped over, I kicked over my globe wine shelf, and beat punches into the leather couch until I grew tired.

I collapsed onto the same couch I had began beating up not too long ago and observed my torn up office. I threw a tantrum and didn't care.

One of the first women in a while that captured my heart so easily betrayed it, and I couldn't get a hold on how to feel.

I had to find out more dirt on Alexander and his revolts against my gang. I needed more solid proof to bring to Natasha before I do anything I regret, and also cancel out all possibilities of it being Pierce.

The amount of things clustering my plate made my heart race and head spin. I couldn't trust anyone but myself, but then again..

When did I ever really put all of my trust into another being?


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