"See? I'm not so bad!"

Start from the beginning

"You're very confident with a mixture of shy at the same time. It's... cute." Heather said, a small grin on her face.

"Oh, uh... thanks. I-I guess." Y/n scoffed out, a little confused.

"Okay, hop in. I want to take you somewhere!" Heather grinned out.

"Are you trying to kidnap me?" Y/n asked causing Heather to laugh,

"Just get in." Heather laughed out,

"That scares me, you didn't say no..." She teased before getting into Heather's car. Heather got in with her and Heather started to drive off taking Y/n somewhere, she was looking around in the car,

"So, how are you?" 

There was a silence and Heather glanced at Y/n to see her that she was looking around and looking at a bird, flying around a tree.

"So, how are you?" Y/n asked as she went to turn to Heather but then went to watch the bird and saw that it was trying to knock a squirrel down. "Whoa, what is... what is that bird doing?" Y/n asked, letting out a small snicker, "No, no, I shouldn't laugh. It's not funny." Y/n mumbled to herself, covering her mouth then turning to Heather, "Anyway, how are you? What's up?" she asked turning to Heather, her fidgeting with her rings as it was something that she always did. Heather let out a small chuckle,

"I'm good. You?" She asked. Y/n nodded her head.

"All good here." She mumbled looking down at her ring that she had, it was one that you could spin and she focused on it fully, barely answering Heather's questions or listen to her talking since she was so spaced out. "We're here." Heather announced loudly. Y/n looked up and then at Heather.

"Where are we?"

"My favourite place. Follow me," She grinned out, unbuckling her seatbelt and getting out the car. Y/n unbuckled her seatbelt and got out along with Heather; Y/n grabbed her bag that was at her feet and then the two shutting their doors and Heather locking the car. Y/n having a bag that had a book, her laptop and a leather journal with a pen. Y/n trailed behind Heather quietly, looking around at the pretty view as she could hear water flowing, it being nice and calming. "I've got a blanket, let me set it down." Heather said setting her stuff down and pulled out a blanket from her bag as she set it down, "Care to join me L/n?" She asked, Y/n's turned to Heather and she nodded her head and jogged a little over to her before slipping down and landing on her butt with her legs crossed. She did it so casually. She moved her bag around to in front of her and pulled out her journal then her pen, "Hey, we have the same journal!" Heather grinned out. Y/n glanced between their journal's then looked up at Heather, a tight-lipped smile on her face.

"Yeah!" She let out, smiling goofily before opening her journal and getting to a free page, she stopped and wrote the date then started to write about where she was, drawing a little and underneath writing about how her day is going, once she glanced up looking at the water flowing calmly and a nice background noise. She felt eyes on her, so, she looked around behind her, on either side to see if anyone was staring at her and when her eyes scanned around; she once again caught Heather staring at her, smiling. "Hi." She chuckled out, waving. 

"Hey." Heather breathed out, letting out a small laugh afterwards. "What're you writing?"

"Wouldn't you like to know." She hummed out,

"I would like to know." Heather hummed out as she set her book down and made her way next to Y/n, "Please?" She pleaded.

"Okay, okay. Fine." She sighed out, handing Heather her journal as she leaned over and went to grab Heather's journal but Heather moved her back,

"Hey! What're you doing?"

"Fair's fair!" Y/n complained,

"Uh-uh. Nope. You are not reading my journal." Heather scoffed out,

"What? Why?" Y/n protested.

"Because... I-I said so."

"Seriously? The child excuse?" Y/n fired back before quickly snatching her journal back. "You're not reading mines then." She huffed out making Heather laugh.

"So mean." She sighed out, shaking her head jokingly while the two girls face the water and smile.

"I'm not that mean." Y/n chuckled out, opening her arms slightly as she turned to her a little, Heather giggled.

"Eh, you're not so bad... I guess." Heather hummed out, moving her head left and right. 

"See! I'm not so bad!"  Y/n laughed out,

"Yeah, okay. Okay, I underestimated you." Heather grinned out, Y/n nodded her head.

"Yep. There it is. There's what I like to hear, woo!" She said high-fiving herself. A grin on her face as she went back to writing and continuing to talk to Heather. Heather doing the same. 

The two simply enjoying the moment that they had as they also took some random photos. The two going from having a stressful day, to a good day.


A/N: I'm really sorry, I just didn't know how to tie this one-shot up and I'm really shit at ending episodes and stuff, so, yeah! I just got really confused cause this took two days to write and it's not even that much, so, yeah. I'm sorry!

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