The Curse

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Maybe everyone think that this curse may be like appearance curse but it not like that. I'm a senior at Tralla Highschool, I just transfer to this highschool. In fact I have been transferred 7 times from elementary, to middle school, and highschool.

Now it finally my 7th time, of course I am planning to graduate, because I don't want to change school again. Well the curse that was passed down to me started from a long time ago, and when I say a long time ago, it is a very very long time. Maybe in the 1680s. It all started with my great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great uncle. I don't really know much of the story because my parents doesn't really tell me, whenever I ask them they will just tell me " it not your fault". And to me it seem like they really wish that I wasn't born, why.

Well when my great great( times that like 10 times) uncle was still alive he mistakenly fell in love with a witch daughter. And when my great great( also times that 10 times ) grandparents found out they immediately went out to killed the daughter. But when they reached the witch place, the daughter already committed suicide. When my great grandparents found out about this, they were really shocked, although they did wanted to killed her. Not just only are my grandparents are shocked my great uncle are too, even worst the daughter mom also found out. And she was pretty much really angry at our family. The witch didn't let it slide so easily, so this wicked witch put a curse on my family.

She said " one day if a daughter was to born she shall have the worst curse and that is to be..... "! So pretty much after that only boys were born into the family until June 12 ,1997. That was when I was born and yeah, after I was born my parents and I got kicked out of the house. Even though they didn't even know about the curse yet, but as soon as I was 4 years old the curse begin, and it drive me nuts!

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