A few more minutes passed. George's eyelids began to dip and his mind settled down to the man's steady voice on the TV. He yawned and looked over at Dream. He was laying on his back, nearly sleeping as well. George hesitated for a moment, but soon came to the realization that it was normal for couples to cuddle, especially right after something so traumatic. George scooted closer to him and curled up against the side of his body. He rested his head on Dream's shoulder. His warmth was enough to make George's heart beat faster.

Dream wrapped his arm around George's waist, and his breath blew softly against his hair. A minute later he felt Dream's soft lips press against his forehead. George looked up at him, and their eyes met. After staring at each other for a while, a silent connection seemed to pass between them, and George leaned up, eyes closed and lips parted slightly, heart racing. Dream's lips met his, and just like that, the moment was perfect. He tasted like strawberry chapstick and smelled like something he couldn't describe - something appealing, to put it that way. Now that their lips had touched, George didn't seem to want to ever let them part.

Dream's warm hand brushed against George's face as the kiss continued. George's heart was swollen with love for the moment. A first kiss couldn't get much better than that in his opinion. Eventually, George had to pull away in order to breathe. He snuggled up to Dream's neck, smiling stupidly. The documentary continued to play as George drifted off into a sleep so fluffy and light he was sure he was floating on a bed of clouds.


George slowly drifted out of his deep sleep and blinked open his eyes. He shifted slightly and yawned. Seratonin flooded his mind as he realized Dream was cuddled up to him, his arms wrapped around his abdomen and chin rested on his shoulder. George laid there for a while, just taking in the greatness of his life. He was warm and there was no tremble in his body. The shock had worn off. Light amber sunlight lit the room from a window. George began tracing the lines on Dream's hands.

A few minutes later Dream stirred and George rolled onto his back to look at him. Dream blinked open his eyes.

"Morning," George said.

"Mm, hey," Dream said with a smile. He had a deep morning voice. "What time is it?"

George grabbed his phone from the nightstand and checked the time. "Quarter past twelve," he replied.

"It's late."

"Eh, I make exceptions after what happened last night," George said.

"Me, too."

George smirked and looked into Dream's eyes. They had their first kiss last night; George couldn't resist the urge to lean in for another one. Dream met him mid-way, and they held each other there for a minute. Tongues may or may not have been involved.

Suddenly, the door burst wide open and in-walked Sapnap, holding a white to-go box.

"Dream, I brought you waffle--" He stopped as he spotted George and realized what was going on. George and Dream both stared at him with wide eyes. For a few seconds, nobody said anything. Then, a grin appeared on Sapnap's face and he laughed.

"Sorry," he said, "am I interrupting?"

Dream and George exchanged looks.

"Yes, you are absolutely interrupting," Dream said.

"Yeah, Sapnap. Can't you see we were in the middle of something? That was rude of you to barge in like that," George agreed.

Sapnap had a shocked and happy expression as he set the box of waffles down on the table beside the door. "My bad. I'll just leave you two to continue," he said with a smirk on his face before shutting the door. Behind the door, George heard Sapnap yell, "I knew it!" to Karl.

George and Dream both laughed before George sat up and stretched. He stood and walked over to the window before sliding it open, allowing some fresh air into the room. It was a beautiful day.

"Are you feeling productive? Or should it be a stay-home-and-watch-movies day?" Dream asked.

"I think you already know the answer to that," George said.

"I'll let the professors know that I'll be absent."

"Good," George laughed before leaving the room and navigating his way to the bathroom. As he entered the hallway, Karl and Sapnap spotted him from the couch. George smirked as they began snickering and walked over to him.

"Did you sleep well?" Sapnap asked, wearing a grin.

"Is Dream a good kisser?" Karl added with a giggle. George rolled his eyes, though he was smiling.

"Stop it, idiots," he said with a shake of his head. As he closed the door to the bathroom, he added, "but yeah, he is." Karl and Sapnap both burst out laughing and went back to the couch as George locked the door.

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