authors note

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Hey Everyone. Sorry its been so long. I needed a break because this injury turned more serious than it was initially, and school has gotten harder, and I had some relationship issues which put me in a deep slump but I am BACK officially :) I've missed you all so much and I've missed writing for you all and i saw that despite no recent updates, i have near 1000 votes, and i have 25k reads which absolutely astonishes me and I am so grateful. ITS NEARLY MIDNIGHT BUT I'M WIDE AWAKE SO Y'ALL ARE GETTING AN UPDATE TONIGHT WOOOO.
Who all went to the Reflection Tour??? I went on March 14th, the day before I turned 16 :) I met the girls and they signed my leg brace for me :D it was so great. To anyone who didn't get to go, I'm sorry, but keep your head up cuz you're going to see the girls one day! :)

OKAY THIS IS AN UPDATE TO THE UPDATE BUT Y'ALL ARE TOO FUCKING CUTE. You guys even vote for my authors notes and it makes me all Smiley and happy (idk why but it does). I just really really love you all :) -Jasmine

The Walking Fanfic (Camila/You)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin