
Yana laughed innocently as she talked with her group mates. They were making horrible chemistry puns that would make any science teacher cringe. "And then w-" She squeaked as once more a hand gripped her wrist and pulled her attention away from the group mid-sentence.

"Zumi, let's go somewhere else." Iseri pouted.

"But I have to do this project"

He quickly dropped the pout and pulled her off the chair by the wrist and began to walk out not caring for her protests.


"Zumi! How could you touch him? I said the only one who could do that is me."

"I was giving him a high five!" Yana finally had enough. "You are like this all the time! You always ask me, what I'm doing, who I was with, what did we do and when did we do it. You are policing me! Are you my boyfriend or my captor? Because right now it seems like the latter!"


The longer she went on about her story the more distressed Yana's teammates became. They could tell that her story was only going to get worse. As if sensing their discomfort Yana paused. "Uh, do you want me to stop?"

"We want to hear the rest." Hanamaki answered quickly for the group. At first, he wasn't so invested in the story. It was just something he was curious about and could listen to as he waited for the court to be cleaned. But now he needed to know what happened in the end.


Yana's eyes widened as she saw them. As cliché as it was, she caught Iseri and her best friend having a very heated make out session in the storage room. "Iseri? Aki?" Her voice was small and full of disbelief, she didn't want to be right.

"Oops she caught us" Aki giggled.

Yana bit her bottom lip, turned and ran away. Of course Iseri would prefer to date Aki. She is the Ace of the Girls' Volleyball team and the beautiful daughter of a rich family.

"Zumi! Zumi baby, wait! I can explain!" Iseri managed to chase Yana all the way out to the back entrance of the school by the empty bike racks.

"No, I don't want to hear it. I've been considering it for a while, but now I'm certain. I'm breaking up with you."

Iseri tried to fight his case, "Baby, please."

"No. You treat me like an object." Yana wiped her tears away. She couldn't cry now. "You never let me do anything, talk to anyone, you want to be beside me all the damn time. I felt like a prisoner rather than a girlfriend." Yana paused to catch her breath. "Why don't you go run back to Aki."

Yana turned around and began to slowly walk off. It was finally over.


Iseri muttered under his breath quickly going through his options. "I never lived a moment of my life, before meeting you. You can't be separated from me! You are mine. You can't be anything else." He grabbed her wrist and pinned them above her head against the cold brick wall.

"NONONONONO GET AWAY FROM ME. LET GO OF ME ISERI! SOMEONE HELP!" Yana fought against his grip, kicking her legs around and using her nails to claw at Iseri's hold. She prayed that someone, anyone, could hear the commotion and come to her aid.

"Shh, shh, baby calm down. No need to scream." He covered her mouth with his left hand. "You have to relax, or it'll hurt. I don't want to hurt you. Behave for me, Zumi." He licked his lips. "Since you refuse to stay with me then I'll just have to make it so you can't leave me."

Tears rolled down Yana's face as she kept thrashing. She knew she wasn't nearly strong enough to get out of his grasp and out from under his body. Yana opened her eyes and her blood ran ice cold upon seeing an almost inhuman, feral grin on his face. It was his eyes which scared her the most though. It was an unsightly obsession that was twisted into 'love'.


Desperation, panic and absolute pure terror consumed her as she bit down hard on Iseri's left hand. In that split second he uncovered her mouth Yana screamed for the two first people that came to mind. "Kuroo! Kenma!"

No sooner than she had cried out did her childhood friends appear. "Get your hands off her." Kuroo growled. "I will beat the shit out of you if you don't release her right now." He had never felt so much rage in his life. His anger held all the power of a wildfire as waves of fury rolled off his skin. Despite how much he wanted to deck the guy in the face he knew he couldn't.

Iseri knew he wasn't kidding. He slowly let go of Yana's wrist and took a step back with his hands up in the air. Iseri didn't feel like having his face bashed in today.

Kenma held his arms open and Yana scrambled into them, her tears still leaving streaks on her face. "We got you, shortstop." He held her trembling body in his arms trying to reassure her that it was all over now. Yana was usually someone with a big personality, but this time, she looked so fragile, as if just the slightest tap could break her. He took off his jacket and wrapped it around her.

"Did he manage to do anything?" Kuroo prodded, trying his best to keep the anger out of his voice.

Yana sniffled. "N-no. You both managed to make it in time."

Taking his chance, Iseri turned tail and ran, not bothering to say anything more. Kuroo and Kenma didn't bother with the chase. They had more important matters to deal with. "Come on, let's go home. Yeah?"

Yana nodded while her body came down from its fight or flight state. "I wanna play games with you and Kenma."

Kuroo picked her up princess style and began the walk back to their houses. "We can do that."

"And snacks?"

"I like that idea." Kenma added as she walked beside the pair.


Kuroo and Kenma both agreed. They knew Yana was trying to keep her mind off everything that had just happened, it was an event none of the three would like to repeat again. It will take a while to get over what happened but the three of them knew that they would move forward together. They always had each other's backs.

Yana whimpered and hid her face in the crook of Kuroo's neck. It didn't take very long till she was once more a sobbing mess. "T-thank you s-so so much. I-I'm jus- Thank y-you" Her words were jumbled from her tears as a torrent of emotions came flooding out.


"So, uh. Yeah that's what happened." Yana ended her story and looked down at her feet with a small smile on her face. "If it wasn't for Kenma and Kuroo, I wouldn't be here today. I would be in a very different place."

Oikawa was fuming by the time Yana was done. He wasn't sure who 'Kuroo' and 'Kenma' were, but either way he would send some much deserved thank yous' their way. The whole group was stunned silent.

It was a lot to take in. They had just learned that Yana had a toxic team, a demonic coach, a best friend who betrayed her, and an abusive ex-boyfriend who was now captain of the volleyball team.

"Why didn't you report him for doing that?" Matsukawa furrowed his eyebrows as he tried to keep the topic vague enough so he didn't have to say it outright but descriptive enough that she would know what he was asking.

"It was all swept under the rug. Aki is a rich girl who has connections with everyone. With enough money you can get away with anything." Yana sighed.

"Guys, we are going to absolutely demolish that team." Oikawa looked at his teammates with a pretty smile that didn't suit his words. "When you spike it past the net. Be careful they don't take it to the face."

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