Hard Copies

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Hi!! It's been a while I know(:
But, I've realized my books are still getting attention & growing. I love it. I enjoy the feed back everyone's been leaving me.
I need all of your help now!
I really want to create hard copies of my books. My mom recently passed away & now that I'm on my own. I want to create a career in my passion to make her proud.
I want to become an author & share my stories with the world.
Would anyone be willing to buy my books from me? & help me achieve my dreams?
I'm really excited to share this with you all.
I am going to change some of the names in the story, though. So it'll take me some time to edit & revise this. But, if anyone's willing to help make me a cover for the book, please feel free to message me.

If anyone would like to help me make this book come to life, please message me with your business info. <3
You can message me here or on tiktok: aliensxrxrad
Instagram: thegreattonystark

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