Chapter 67

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(Louis' POV)

I hate taking these damn pills. I hate that I have problems. Why can't I just be fucking normal?

"You're so worthless." I whisper shout to myself as I enter the kitchen to take my pills. Just as I'm about to reach for them, the doorbell rings. "Fuck." I groan in frustration. Who would be knocking on my door this late at night? I walked over to the door and opened it slightly.

"Oi! The fuck do you want?" I said as I noticed it was Stan standing on my porch.
"I just want to talk." He said.
"No." I said and tried to shut the door but it didn't close, he put his foot in the way. "Move your damn foot, before I break it." I threaten.

"Louis, come on. Just ... Five minutes, please?" He begs.
"Fine." I sigh, but I don't open the door any further. There's no way in hell he's stepping foot in my house. If Harry sees him, he'll murder him. He probably wouldn't even think twice about it, he doesn't care if the other lads are here or not. He will end Stan if he sees him in my house. 

"Can I come in?" He asks.

"Nope. Better get talking." I reply.
He just rolls his eyes and says,  "Look, Louis. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I ruined our friendship. You were my everything. You still are my everything. I love you, Louis. You're my best friend. My brother. Please, give me one more chance." He begs.

"Nope. Goodbye, Stan." I say and try to shut the door again. But he launches himself forward, tackling me and pulling me into his arms.

"Wrong answer." He grows and stabs a needle into my arm, making me go unconscious before I can even scream for help.


(Harry's POV)

Louis' been gone for an awfully long time.

"I'll be right back, I'm going to go check on Lou." I tell the boys. Liam just ignores me, Niall nods, and I think Zayns asleep. I leave the room and walk upstairs in search for me blue eyed boy.

In his room? 




Music Room? 


Living Room?




I even checked his mums room and he's not even in there. Where the hell is he?

That's when I feel my phone buzz in my pocket, my heart begins to race. Is he okay? I answer my phone without checking who the caller is.

"Hello, Harry." I hear an awfully familiar voice speak through the other end.

"What the fuck do you want, Stan?" I say, anger boiling inside me. Does this kid have a death wish or something?

"I've got what I want. My best friend. He's such a cutie when he's asleep wouldn't ya think? If you want him back, better come find me. Your life for his." He said and then the line went dead.

Fucking hell, I swear to Go- Wait.

What does he mean..?

Your life for his?

What the fuck?

I need to find my baby, I ran downstairs at full speed. 

"Guy's we need to go. NOW!" I shout, causing Zayn's eye to fly wide open from slumber, Niall started to choke on his popcorn. Again. And Liam just calmly paused the movie and turned to look at me.
"What's wrong, H?" Liam asked trying to keep his calm.

"L-Louis. And. S-stan. I do-don't know. Ph-one c-call." I said i between sobs.
Liam's calm look turned into one filled with concern and worry. Niall stopped choking on his popcorn, his eye slightly watery from almost dying. And Zayn walked over to me, rubbing my back trying to calm me down.
"Hey, Hey, Hey." He whispered. "Deep breaths, mate. What happened?" He said in a soothing voice.

I took a deep breath and told them about my recent phone call.

Liam's eyes widened in horror, Niall looked scared, and Zayn looked pissed.
Liam looked over to Niall and said, "Do you think he took him to..." Liam started.
"Probably." Niall said, already knowing what Liam was suggesting.

"What?" Zayn and I both asked in unison.
"When Stan was in a pissy mood and only wanted Louis to be around him and no one else. He'd take Louis to this secret house deep in the woods, about an hour away from here." Liam stated. "It's kind of like Stans safe house. I'm pretty sure he actually lives there now.
"Do you know exactly where it's at?!" I asked.
"Um... I think so. It's been awhi-" Niall starts but I cut him off.

"Well, let's go!!" I say and run up the stairs with the others following quickly behind.


A/N " I'm all your's, I've got no control." *Flips table* Fookin love that song.

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