Sign of the Phoenix

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Warnings: Blood, injury, Implied Kidnapping

Relationship: None

AU: Power Rangers because yes


Xisuma, Tango, Scar, Impulse, and Ren were all being escorted in chains. Once to the main arena, the team saw the Master of the Games sitting in his chair with a cocky smile, his staff tight in his fist.

"Oh Rangers..." The Master taunts, all the zords he took from them hovered in a black hue around him, "You're so gullible. You've fallen for my traps and now I'm gonna take your powers. I already have your zords and morphers, so what can you do?"

"You always forget one thing." Xisuma says, "There's six of us."

"Oh yes... Your golden boy. What is he anyways? A giant chicken?"

A chicken? 

Grian had overheard the conversation after he had grabbed the teams morphers, "You wanna call me a giant chicken? I'll show you a giant chicken."

"Grian will be here any second!"

"Oh yeah? Okay, let's wait then." The Master sat down in his big chair and Grian hopped below it, slamming his sword through the chair to pierce the Master, "Oh would you look at that. I've been impaled. GUARDS!"

Grian used his symbol power to unlock the chains the others were in. The six met up at the door, Grian tossed them their morphers.

"This time, history won't repeat."

Xisuma stood in front with Grian, "Let's go X Rangers!"

Grian chuckled and instead of doing their normal call, he shouts, "Sign of the Phoenix!" Morphing into into gold Ranger, "Let's bury these things once and for all."

The master groaned at the ranger's ignorance, "I'll bury you alive!"

"That's more alive than you're gonna be after we're done with you!" Though they didn't need to wait long as the first stab that Grian gave took the life of the master. As he returned in a larger form, their zords the same, "Okay... So that's a problem. RUN!" The Phoenix Zord dived down at them, causing the group to scatter.

Grian thought a moment then grabbed his extra zord, "Okay Raptor zord, let's see what you got."

Grian ended up fighting the Phoenix Zord to the ground, "Activate Megazord, Phoenix-Raptor formation. This better work."

Once the megazords were combined, he used his 'revive' symbol power to release the curse on the other zords, "Welcome back you giant chicken. Let's roast this turkey! Activate X Ranger Megazord, Phoenix Artillery."

Once together, Grian activated the black box which gave him extra power to eventually win the fight against the Master, sealing him forever into the pits of Hell.

I got bored with this.

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