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Warnings: Implied Kidnapping

Relationship: None intended

Extra: Grian - Phoenix (Ice/Fire) Hybrid
Xisuma - Void Kin


Zedaph needs victims. And with no willing hermits, he took matters into his own hands.

He walked up to Xisuma, "Hey, X!"

"Zedaph." Xisuma greeted, easily suspicious, "What's with the outfit?"

"Oh, forgot to change.... So tell me.. Have you ever heard of Pheonix's?"

"Dude, you know Grian's a Phoenix."

"Okay, you aren't making my job easy." Zedaph through a sleep potion at Xisuma and he fell unconscious immediately, "Now come with me my vic-... Friend."

After dropping Xisuma off in the chamber, he ran off and did the same thing to Grian.

Xisuma groaned as he woke up. He realized he was in a chamber with Grian who was still asleep. He was under a blanket, but he woke him up regardless.

"Suma?" Grian groaned, as he sat up, the blanket fell and he realized he didn't have his sweater, "Okay.... Where are we?"

"You're in a testing chamber my dear Void Kin and Phoenix child."

"Zed?" Grian called out, pulling the blanket away from him and getting cold immediately. Grian's Phoenix birthmark on the front of his shoulder glowed as it sent heat through his body and it started a small flame as it started, "Zed why is it freezing in here?"

"Things broke...."

"You can't dull my powers dude. It could kill me."

"That wasn't the intent. You were put in the wrong thing."

"Okay, I'm out of here."

"Sorry Grian. You can't leave. You need to find a way out for the both if you."

"I hate you."

Xisuma chimed in as he helped pull Grian to his feet, "Zed, I got things to do. So tell us what you want so I can get back to work."

"You're not the only one with things to do, X." Grian said quietly, "I need to finish my farm I was working on before Zed Ether'd me."

"He threw a potion at me. He Ethered you?"

"He Ethered me."

"Correction, I kidnapped you."

"You Ethered me."

"Okay, just- Just find a way out and you'll be able to get back to what you were doing."

Grian looked at Xisuma. Xisuma nodded at him.

"Alright." Grian rolled his shoulders, he spread his wings, the right being ice, left being fire. His eyes changed to the corresponding colours of his wings and shot ice at the glass then immeidate heat.

"What's that supposed to do?"

Grian walked up to the glass and glared at Zed.

"Please step away from the glass."

Grian tapped on the glass three times and it shattered a hole in the area wide enough for him and Xisuma to walk out.

"Don't kidnap me again, Zed. And next time, use obsidian."

"Don't give him ideas Grian."

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