Bright As Gold (3)

166 6 1

Warnings and relationship, none added


Xandred froze all his movements when he saw six figures walking out of the smoke.

"What on Earth?"


"You guys ready?" Grian asked, the team exchanged looks and nods, "Then let's do this."

The group morphed into their suits.

"I need time to do the sealing symbol."

"How long do you need?" Xisuma asked.

"All I need is two minutes. Now go!"

The rangers all ran off. Grian stayed behind, "Phoenix zord, get me in the skies!"

It grew big, Grian jumped onto the wing. He then began drawing out the symbol, "I sure hope this works."

After a moment, he was almost done, "Symbol power..." The moment he was done, the symbol outlined itself, "Sealing." He hit it out towards Xandred then called up the rangers, "GET OUT OF THE WAY!"

The rangers all got out of the way and the sealing symbol hit Xandred, a bright flash of white and gold wrecked through the valley. Soon every single monster was gone from the human world.

Grian soon fell weak and fainted off the zord. The zord screeched as it grabbed the quickly demorphed ranger by his shirt and sat him gently on the ground. It shrunk down and floated above Grian's chest.

Soon enough, each ranger limped over and found Grian unconscious on the ground. Xisuma knelt beside him, "Grian?"

"He'll be fine."  The hermits looked over and saw a woman walking over the rubble, "That sealing symbol takes a lot out of someone. He's just lucky he's alive."

"How is he lucky?" Xisuma asked, "And who the hell are you?"

"I'm his mother. And the original gold ranger." She sighed, "Here, watch." She threw out the forest symbol and some of the land went back to its original glory, "Your world will be fine."

Scar then appeared out of nowhere, "Guys?!" He sighed, "Oh thank god you're all alive."

"Let's get back to the mansion and rest." Sarene said, "You guys need it."

Once at the mansion, each ranger laid in a bed and rested, but with Grian being unconscious, his mother knelt beside his bed and put a wet cloth across Grian's forehead.


"Hey, I raised him. So shush." Scar chuckled, "He's become quite the warrior."

"And now Xandred is away for good."

After a few hours, Grian's mother heard her son take a sharp inhale then a groan.


"Hey son." She said with a smile, Grian let out a light hearted chuckle and smiled, "You alright?"

"Hey. I'll live."

"Alright, well go back to sleep. You need to get your strength back so your body can heal."

Grian didn't fight it as sleep quickly fell back into his body. 

After Grian woke the next day, he quickly fell ill. He was barely eating. Almost too weak to move. The group called in a doctor to do some tests, they only found out, because of his weakness from the exhaustion, his immune system was majorly compromised. He needed time to rest and regain his strength. So the hermits allowed Grian to sleep for as long as they needed.

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