Bright As Gold (2)

184 7 2

Warnings added: light swearing

No Relationship


Grian was twitching in his sleep as Scar dabbed the damp towel on his forehead. He kept mumbling and making small noises as things ran through his head.

What he saw were his mother's moves and Xandred keeping his team hurt and hostages.

He shouted as he shot up in the bed, panting as he tried to catch his breath.

"You scared me! Holy shit kid." Scar gasped, Grian shot his attention at Scar.

"They need help." Grian threw his legs over the side of the bed and saw the healing symbol burned into his side, "Let me guess, my mother?"

"Uh, yeah."

"Sounds about right." He grabbed the morpher on the side of the table, "It's time to end this once and for all. I know my mother's prisom slash, that'll help."

"Go, Grian." Scar helped the man up, "They need you."

Grian activated the morpher and ran outside, Scar following close behind.

"Symbol power." Grian near shouted, "Horse!"

A horse with golden items on it appeared in front of them, "I'll be back, Scar."

"I know you will."

Grian took off, the fields from the bottom of the hill were near devastated. The horses galloping rang through. Occasionally they'd hit the red puddles of blood that laid on the ground. Once at the cliff, he yielded the horses movements and looked over the hill. Thousands of Moogers were outside of the newly built temple out on the edge of the city border.

"One sealing symbol, and it'll all disappear." He spoke quietly, "This is the final fight." He got off the horse, pet its mane, "Disappear buddy. I go on alone from here."

He summoned his sword still unmorphed. His hand flamed and the golden disk appeared in his hand, "Alright mum, let's see if your tricks work. They did once, let's hope they do again." He took the disk and put it on the sword, then made his way down the hill.

He was spotted by Moogers almost immediately. He spun the disk and did the Prisom slash that his mother had, it destroyed the Moogers in one shot, "Too easy."

Grian walked slowly into the temple. Other Moogers tried attacking him, but Xadred's voice boomed through the valley and told them to back down. Once to the throne, Grian stood in front of him with one hand on the sword and one leg crossed behind the other.

"Phoenix zord!" Xandred shouts, "Kill him!"

The Phoenix zord screeched loudly and tried attacking Grian. But it stopped two inches in front of his face. Grian, unfazed, felt the wind slam through his hair, when he opened his eyes, he smiled at the zord, "Hey buddy." He put his hand on the zords beak, "Come back to me bud." He saw the eyes flash from red to blue and it immediately went smaller and floated above his shoulder.


"The Phoenix Zord remains loyal to the Phoenix family. And unfortunately for you..." He activated the morpher and morphed into the Gold Ranger, "You're dealing with me."

"Game on Phoenix child." Xandred growled then attacked Grian. Grian retaliated by blocking the attack. He and Xandred fought for a while before he slammed Grian through the ground and disbelieved he was dead.

"A golden ranger?!" Tango shouts, "That's impossible!"

The ranger stood, by planting his sword into the ground. He pulled himself to one knee as he ended up demorphing.

"Grian!" The team shouted, "You're alive!"

"Ow, hey, guys." Grian strained, then pulled himself to his feet, "Let's get you guys out of this hole."

He made the unlock symbol and got the cage unlocked, then sent out the healing symbol. He then tossed the team their morphers, "Here, I stole these from Xandred while we were fighting. Come on, we have a job to do."

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