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Warning: Blood, Injury (in second part)

Relationship: Grian/Etho

AU: FD/PD Hermits 


The city has been out of power for days, Grian hadn't answered his phone in a while. But as he's out on call, Grian watched and listened closely as the other captains were talking. Their teams off doing what they could to help the citizens.

"If the helicopters can't fly then we can't see where other people need help!"



Grian ran over and shouted, "HEY!" He pushed through the angry captain's, "You guys need a bird in the sky, I can get you one."

"Who do you think you are?!" The acting Captain shouts, getting in Grian's face, "What can you possibly do to help?"

"Captain Void, 167. My team's full of hybrids. I can fly and I can get my guys on the ground."

"I don't see how that can help-"

"I'm a phoenix hybrid. I emit light when I'm in my form. Read up." He turned around and pinged the radio, "167, We're going full hybrid."

Grian took three steps forward then jumped in the air. A pulse of light radiated through the area as he took off into the sky. Scar threw an anklet at Grian and it attached to his foot. While Grian spread light and dived in the waters to grab sinking passengers in their vehicles, his team worked around getting the other pedestrians out of danger.

Once the job was done Grian's team regrouped and changed back into their human forms. Scar threw towels at Grian so he could dry off quickly so that his powers wouldn't be unbalanced.

"167, let's wrap it up!" Grian shouts circling a hand in the air, "We got another place to be!"

When they got back to the firehouse hours later, Grian picked up his phone and called Wtho.

No answer.

"Etho always answers..." Grian mumbled, then got another call from Xisuma, "Talk to me."

"Grian, please tell me you're not home."

"I'm not, why?"

"It's Sam. I was staking out his other victims houses and forgot that YOU were one of his victims."

"Etho.. Etho's home. He's not answered his phone. Have you gotten ahold of him?"

"I haven't. I'm rushing over now."

Grian hung up the phone and tossed a radio at Scar, "Scar! You're in charge. I'm taking the captain's vehicle. Etho's in danger."

He rushed out. He spun his ring as he drove, "Please be okay Etho. Please be okay."

The moment he reached his street he got a call from Etho's phone..

"Etho? Are you okay?"

"He's fine.. For now."

Grian slammed on the brakes, "Sam.. What have you done with Etho!?"

"Oh nothing... Yet."


"Threats won't help him. You see, he's already losing his life. Every second that goes by, he loses a second of life."

"Sam, please don't hurt Etho. He hasn't done anything to you."

"I know. But you have, and you'll pay the price."

Part 2 to come soon

Hermitcraft One-Shots Book 2Where stories live. Discover now