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"please tell me someone brought money," alex said.

"i did... why?" nick asked, almost carefully, because who knew what the ravenette was about to ask.

"there may or may not be a cotton candy stand over there." alex's grin was wide and almost threatening.

nick hummed, dramatically thinking. karl giggled beside him, whispering something into punz's ear, who only smirked.

"fine," nick finally said.

alex perked up. "yes! gimme, gimme, give me the money."

when nick handed him the cash, alex continued on and asked, "anybody else want some?"

the rest of them shook their heads, but george bounced on the ball of his feet. "sure!"

alex hurried over and the rest waiting for a few minutes before he ran back to them, handing george a blue one and keeping the other for himself.

at the sight, clay regretted saying no.

"where do y'all wanna go next?" karl asked.

"the corn maze!" punz exclaimed.

the rest agreed quickly and nick immediately called punz when they decided on going in pairs.

so, it was nick and punz, alex and karl, and george and clay.

there was a sign at the entrance saying that there were jumpscares but that only made clay even more excited.

"so, race to the finish?" clay suggested.

they all nodded, george saying, "split up once we get in there so all our groups can go different ways."

"'k... bye!" nick gripped punz's wrist and dragged him in, earning yelps of alarm and surprise from the rest of them.

george and clay hurried in and the two turned left, immediately given three other turns, two of them full of shadows and hidden surprises.

"okay..." george said slowly. "i don't know how much i like this."

clay closed his hand over george's, heart melting when his boyfriend's pale hand almost disappeared between their intertwined fingers.

"it'll be fine... i hope," he muttered, leading them into the one without the scary shadows.

after the growing while, the pair found themselves lost in twists and turns, and it was slowly getting dark. how long have they been in here?

when george took another step, something flashed in front of them and in the split seconds, clay's eyes widened as he stepped back, dragging george behind him in a protective manner.

"holy fuck." clay's voice rose two octaves higher and despite the chainsaw in front of them, george giggled.

"damn, did i just here clay screech? big ol' clay who always throws me behind his back?" george teased, dangerously close to clay's here.

"shut the hell up," clay grumbled.

the chainsaw still whirred with life in front of them, but out of the corner of his eye, clay noticed a hidden door in the corn.

george noticed it too. "sneaky, c'mon, let's go in there."

"hun, i bet it's gonna be a trap," dream murmured softly.

"oh, now you're paranoid. just follow me." george regripped his hand around clay's, and the blond squeezed tightly.

and george was correct, no trap. in fact, they could see the exit.

but, before they could continue, they heard the rapid patter of footsteps. once again, clay drew george in close, only for alex and karl to appear through the path, panting.

"scary fucking piece of shit was chasing us," alex huffed. "oh that motherfucker, almost made me piss my pants."

george and clay stared with wide eyes—not fear, just flat-out surprised, they were definitely not prepared for that outburst.

karl rolled his eyes. "he's over exaggerating. yes, it was some scary shit, yes we were chased, but there's no way he almost—"

karl noticed the exit, and slowly, alex noticed two.

they grinned, a mischievous gleam in their eyes before darting, but george and clay were prepared.

they chased after them, feet pounding on the corn covered dirt.

clay gripped alex's jacket, yanking him backwards. the ravenette cursed and reached forward and almost tripping both karl and george.

"ALEX! we're a team here, dipshit!" karl screeched as he caught his stumbled, trying to pick up the pace.

where there was a turn right in front of the exit, the leaves and corn rustled and out bursted nick and punz—right in front of the four, who going at their top speed.

they couldn't slow down and slammed right into the others and out the exit.

clay choked on his laugh as he twisted, landing on his back beside the others. they all howled with laughter, staring at the auburn sky with tears in their eyes.

"that was painful," nick groaned, smacking clay's stomach in return—clay had been the one to run into him.

"ay, it's not our fault you two happened to be right there," karl said, grinning.

nick rolled his eyes. "oh whatever."

"well," george said, "we tied."

clay chuckled, rolling onto his side and burying his nose into the crook of george's neck.

god, he loved his friends (obviously his boyfriend the most) so much.

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