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once they were all situated and karl had began the movie, clay groaned quietly. "oh my god, i hate this."

karl giggled. "c'mon, you'll be fine. we can also hang afterwards... wait, we can sleep here tonight!"

punz spoke up, "sure, why not? it's not like any of us have anything important tomorrow."

"mkay, now shush so we can watch the movie," george hummed, eyes trained on the screen that was hung on the trees.

after a while into the movie, punz was perfectly fine--unsurprisingly, karl was curled into nick, hiding his face multiple times, but, still watching the movie. alex on the other side of him was enjoying the movie, barely spooking somehow, and then was george. he jumped at times--and screamed-- but other then that, he was liking it so far.

and clay. clay fucking hated horror movies with a passion. he hated horror everything. horror games, horror movies, so on. so, he was kind of having a nightmare... but it was fun watching it with his newfound group of friends.

absently, he had pressed closer to george that now they were right up against each other. george had stiffened for a minute for relaxing, letting clay hide into him whenever the blond needed too.

when clay jumped quite harshly, punz snickered and clay flipped him off from all the way on the other side, scowling deeply as punz flipped him off right back.

george's hand slinked into clay absentmindedly, squeezing it reassuringly, but once they were both in their senses, their hands split quickly, clay looking away and being able to meet eye contact with the brunet beside him.

once the movie finished, they all were slightly (definitely slightly) shaken up--except for punz and alex.

nick yawned excessively. "i am going to sleep, i'll see you guys in the morning."

the others all were falling asleep, but clay couldn't--not because of the stupid horror movie, but because there was so much fucking shit on his mind.

sighing heavily, clay carefully stood up, careful not to wake up george beside him, and he stepped away from their 'camp' and decided to walk around in the forest, just so he could try and clear his mind.

his hair was a mess by the time he made it in by like ten minutes by the amount of times he ran his metal adorned fingers through it. but his mind--he was so fucking--he didn't even fucking know.

he just knew that the brunet was doing something to him.

the boy's tangles of fluffy hair--the color of milk chocolate and a tint of honey whenever the sun casted over him, bouncing whenever he pranced around happily. the smile that adorned his face whenever something--or someone--caused him to laugh. that laugh that slipped pass his lips, rich and bright, something that clay could listen to for hours. his hands, the hands that when compared to clay's, looked so fucking delicate and glass-like.

his eyes that were a swirl of dreamy brown and warm amber, so bright and piercing whenever it met the color of sage and broken hazel. the palest of freckles dancing over his cheeks like a night of the palest stars. long eyelashes that brushed his cheeks whenever his eyes closed.

his style was perfect. it matched him so fucking well. and his chains that hung around his neck. and the bracelets and chains around his wrists. slim, alabaster wrists that clay knew his fingers would wrap perfectly around.




he was most definitely falling for that boy.

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