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him and george were left, walking silently side by side and making coversation every so often.

ever since his realization of how fucking hard he had fallen for george, he had tried to ignore it. he had tried to keep their normal converations going. he had tried to not subconsiously do anything stupid.

his phone buzzed and curious, he looked, frowning when he saw ally's name.

dont come home rn, please

why? whats wrong

mom and dad are pissed

at me?


what the hell, why?

something stupid about
you being away from home
for over twelve hours

clay scoffed, earning a look from george.

oh, now they care?

ik clay, im sorry, but
please dont come home

i wont, i swear, wya right now?

in my room, im not coming
out any time soon

k good, text me if somethings

clay looked up from his phone and over at the brunet beside him. "can i please stay at your house for a while?"

"how come?"

"my parents are pissed at me because 'i was gone for over twelve hours' and they never even seem to realize."

"why don't you want to deal with them right now?"

clay toyed with his piercings, suddenly avoiding eye contact with the boy. when he looked over for a split second, clay could see an expression of worry. "fuck, yeah, you can stay."

clay muttered a rushed, "thank you, thank you," and that only seemed to worry george even more. his brows furrowed in concern as he looked over at clay, his mouth opened for a second but then he shut it.

alongside george, clay walked with his head down, ignoring the glances george kept on giving him.

they made it to george's house after a while and clay followed the brunet in. this was the second time he had been here, but the first time he didn't really care. no one was home, it seemed, as george led clay into the kitchen.

"i'm just gonna make us some toast and then we can head to my room," george said and clay muttered a small, "okay."

he leaned against a counter awkwardly as he waited for the bread to toast in the toaster and once a few minutes was over, george handed clay a plate of toast and butter and led him up to his room.

clay sat down on george's bed beside the brunet, asking, "is anybody home?"

george shook his head. "i'm the only child and my parents are barely home, so i usually have the house to myself. but i don't mind, i like it."

clay hummed as he took a bite.

reluctantly, george asked his own question in a hushed voice. "can i, if you want to answer... what would happen if you went home, right now, while your parents are mad at you?"

the blond popped his fingers absentmindedly, over and over again even when they popped no more. george reached for his hands and pulled them apart, gripping one in each of his hands. "clay, stop that, please. you don't have to if you don't want to."

clay ignored the heat rising through his cheeks and how his heart rate sped up. "no, no. it's really not that bad, really.... it's just the memories behind them."

george tilted his head and the blond continued. "um... i used to be in a relationship with this other guy and whenever we got into an argument or whenever he was mad at me he would yell at me--like... badly... the neighbors used to knock on his or my door to make sure everything was okay.

"my parents never knew about that... they just knew i broke up with him. but um... he... used to throw stuff at me. and it got as bad as glass objects that shattered on impact... sometimes the impact being me. so, yeah... there's that. i broke up with him after a saw him fucking someone else and he gave me a half-assed excuse of being drunk while he as clearly sober."

clay chewed on his lip as he added, "alex and you both know about the breaking up part, but only you know the rest of it, please don't tell anyone."

george's eyes were wide and his mouth opened and closed over and over again, trying to form a sentence. "clay... fuck... sorry. you didn't fucking deserve that fucker, 'kay? and i won't, i swear."

clay smiled. "thanks."

george hummed. "so, do you have anything in mind to do?" he lifted his arms over his head to stretch, the arms of his sweater falling from his wrists and clay gasped.

"george, what the fuck?
aaayy longer chapter--but um the chapters for this fanfiction won't be any longer than like 1k words, maybe, idk

and clay popping his fingers from anxiety and being nervous is one of my fidgets lol

and plz. if you havent seen the triggers on the '1 am' chapter, please look

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