"Let's go get something to eat." I said.

"I'm not hungry." Andy responded but I just ignored him. I knew it would be hard to get him to eat but he couldn't deny fair food. It was the best. We walked over to a food stand and my mouth watered at the steaming corn dogs, mouthwatering fried dough, and all the cheese covered french fries. My stomach instantly growled at the sight and I just couldn't wait to fill my mouth with all the food.

"What can I get for you boys." The kind lady said waiting for our orders.

"I would like two orders of french fries, two hamburgers, and two large cokes." I said while Andy just stood silent next to me.

"Ok it'll be ready in a minute. The total is fifteen dollars." She said and I handed her the money. She went back to grab our order and I took it from her with a thank you.

"Let's go seat under the umbrella. It's getting too hot." I said going over to the table with a large umbrella on top. We sat down and no sooner was I buried in my hamburger. Andy didn't even glance at the food and that made me sigh in annoyance.

"Ok you do know that the doctor said you had to eat right?" I pointed out and he only ignored me.

"Besides if you don't eat it will just cause another trip to the hospital." I reminded. He still didn't make a move to eat so I kept talking.

"If you don't eat-

"Ok, ok shut the fuck up I'll eat." He said grabbing the french fries and started eating. I smiled and continued on with my food. He ate half the burger and some of the french fries by the time I finished eating.

"I'll be right back. I need to use the bathroom." Andy said standing up and throwing away what was left of his food. I did the same and waited for him to return. After ten minutes of waiting, I grew worried and went looking for him. Walking inside the bathrooms I called out for Andy.

"Andy are you in here?" No response. I looked under the stalls looking for feet and soon I found Andy's blue sneakers. He seemed to be the only one in here and was wondering what was taking him so long.

"Andy are you alright?" I asked but got no response again. Knocking on the door I felt worried that something was wrong. I pushed it open since it was unlocked and found Andy hunched over the toilet seat throwing up. At first I thought that he had gotten sick or the food didn't settle well in his stomach but looking closer I saw his two fingers covered in puke.

"Did you just make yourself throw up?" I asked outraged. He flushed the toilet and his weak body slowly started to get up. To say I was angry is an understatement. I was completely pissed off that he would do something like this and who knows for how long he's been doing it. I let him walk over to the sink stumbling on his way there and didn't help him. He did this to himself, he can deal with it alone. I don't know how much more his body can take without soon shutting down. He rinsed his mouth and washed his hands.

"How could you? This day was suppose to be trouble free and than you do this, this ughhh! I'm so fucking angry at you." I couldn't even come up with anything to say. He just had to ruin the freaking fucking day. After he looked able to talk he looked at me with squinted eyes.

"I never asked you to bring me here. And you should have never came looking for me. Don't you realize that no matter what, every day for me is a living hell? Why can't you get that through your stupid skull and leave me alone?" He shut back angry and than shoved me against the wall and walked out. Great just when I thought we were on good terms, this happens. I went out and started looking for him since once again I had no idea where he was.

"Andy." I shouted but nothing. He was gone. People gave me strange looks but I just ignored them and continued looking for him. A fair officer was passing by and I quickly walked up to him.

"Excuse me sir. I need your help. You see I can't find my friend and he can't be walking around alone." I said with worry in my voice. Who knows what Andy was capable of on his own. He has nowhere to go and I just hoped he wasn't too pissed off and do something stupid.

"Ok can I get a description of him?" The officer asked.

"He has black hair and is about 6'2. He was wearing a black t-shirt and white skinny jeans with blue sneakers. Plus he's really sick and he needs help so if you could try hard to find him I would appreciate it." I said while he wrote down the details.

"Ok can I have the phone number." He asked and I gave him the house number and my cellphone number. Man once mom realizes I lost Andy she will kill me. Dad on the other hand might just start jumping with joy. Stupid bastard.

"Got it. We'll start looking for him and see if we can find him. do you by any chance have a picture of him?" He asked and I took out his wallet. Yeah I've had his wallet for a while now and he hadn't even noticed. I pulled out his id and gave it to the officer.

"Thanks. This will help. I'll return it later and don't worry about your friend. I'm sure he'll be found safe." He said and all I could do was hope he was right.

I continued walking around the fair looking for him but he was nowhere. God Andy why do you have to be like this? He was suppose to have fun and forget about his fucked up life but no. He had to mess it up and than disappear. My legs soon started aching and I gave up on looking for him. Well time to face my mom. I called her and told her to come pick me up. Soon her car came into view and I got in quickly.

"Hey hun. Where's Andy?" she asked looking around for him. I gulped and then faced her.

"Uh he sort of ran off. I don't really know where he is but the cops are looking for him so I'm sure he'll soon be back." I said with not much confidence in my voice. She looked at me shocked and than came the yelling.

"How on earth did you let him walk off like that?" She screamed in my face making me wince.

"He was throwing up in the bathroom and than we started arguing and he left." I said waiting for the questions that would follow.

"He was throwing up? Oh my goodness did he get sick on a ride or something?" She asked starting to drive the car.

"No actually. He did it on purpose." I told her the truth because this could really hurt him and somebody needed to know. And well my mom came close to someone who could be trusted.

"Oh god. And now he's out there somewhere wondering around sick. Just great. Way to fucking take care care of him Luke." she said which made me frown at getting blamed at. He's the one that ran away but I knew I was at some fault at this. I shouldn't have burst out on him like that when I saw him throwing up. I know he has his problems and it was wrong for me to have done that. Now all I can do is wait and see if they find Andy safe.


Critical criticism is greatly appreciated :) Thank you for reading <3

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