School Bus

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1 month later
November 23rd
Maya pov

Today, Carina to go to work just before Evie woke up so wasn't home this morning - much to Evie's disappointment.

"Good morning," I said as Harley came down the stairs for breakfast.

"Good morning," she replied, sitting down infront of her pancakes that I had made.

"Where's Evie?" I asked, noticing that Harley had not been followed by her usual shadow.

"Getting dressed. You should probably check on her because she seems a little grumpy this morning," she laughed.

"Okay, I'll go now." I made my way upstairs to find Evie sitting on the floor of her bedroom in just a t-shirt and underwear. "Evie, what's going on, where's your dress?" I asked her.

"I can't get those things on," she growled, pointing to the pink tights that were scrunched up on the floor.

"Okay. I'll help you, if you're stuck with something you just need to ask, baby," I said, kissing her cheek before helping her put on the remainder of her clothing.

"Thank you Mommy," she said, hugging my neck gently before running anyway downstairs. I just sat on the floor of Evie's bedroom listening to her talk to Harley; I sometimes still can't believe that she's officially our's. I never would have imagined myself getting married, first of all, and never ever would have imagined adopting such an incredible, adorable and beautiful little girl. I then went downstairs and found Harley talking to her sister while Evie shovelled pancakes into her mouth.

"Do you still want to go on the bus with Harley, Eves?" I asked as I put the remaining things in each of their lunch boxes.

"I don't know," she said, seeming nervous and twisting lips.

"It's up to you. I can take you in the car if you'd rather," I told her, trying not to create a big deal of the situation so she wouldn't get stressed.

"What if you came on the bus, Mommy," she said excitedly, as if she'd come up with the solution for everything. Harley just sniggered and waited for my answer.

"That's not how it works, baby. You either come in the car with me or go on the bus with Harley. If you went on the bus you'd get off a little before Harley but she'd make sure you got into school safely and there'll be other kids you know there too," I explained, sort of wanting her to take that step but also wanting her to stay with me forever so I can keep her safe and happy.

"And I'll see you at lunch time as well," Harley added.

"I'll go on the bus if Harley will sit next to me," Evie nodded, looking to her sister with her big blue eyes.

"Of course I will," Harley said, stroking Evie's hair.

"Okay, I'll go on the bus."

"Great, that's sorted now," I laughed, "You've got ten minutes to get ready." Evie then excitedly jumped off her chair and ran to put on her shoes and coat on.

"I'm excited," she squealed, jumping up and down with her backpack now on top of her coat.

"Baby, you're a bit early," I laughed. Harley then came to join us, lacing up her shoes and putting on her coat and then her backpack.

"And it's really not that exciting, Evie," she giggled, taking Evie's hand and leading her outside to wait on the porch for the bus. I loved seeing the way Harley cared for her little sister, as if she'd known Evie all her life but she hadn't. I also loved to see the way Evie has come to trust Harley in such a short space of time; they're like best friends despite their age difference. I also love how excited Evie gets over the tiniest things like the school bus, she's just adorable.

Mom's new love (marina)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें