Meeting Harley

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Maya's pov
1 month later
June 6th

I had seen Carina nearly everyday for the last month, I had been passing by the hospital on my way to work after dropping Harley at school and we've been for dinner a few times. On Friday, Harley was staying at Vic's with Addie so Carina was coming to stay the night with me. After dinner we were sitting on the couch watching a movie, I had my head on her lap and she was running her fingers through my hair. "Can I ask you a question?" I said, turning so I was looking at her with my head in her lap.

"Of course," she said softly.

"Do you want to meet Harley?"

"I'd love to but not until she's ready," Carina replied, she's so respectful, which is probably what I like most about her.

"She's been asking to meet you for ages," I laughed, "So I said I would check with you before organising anything but now that I know that you want to meet her, do you want to have dinner with us tomorrow night?"

"I'd love to bambina," she then bent over to kiss my lips softly before we continued watching the movie.

On Saturday morning Carina had to rush into work for an emergency surgery at eight so I said goodbye to her and told her to come for dinner at seven.

At eleven I went to Vic's to pick up Harley. I rang the doorbell as usual and Vic answered it, "Hi! Come in, come in," she said joyfully.

"Hi," I said as I hugged her and made my way through her house to the kitchen where Harley and Addie were finishing an art project for school. "Hi Mom, can I have five more minutes to finish this?" Harley asked sweetly.

"Yes but then we have to go because you have another track meet," I said as I looked over her shoulder at their project.

"Okay," she groaned, she was becoming increasingly frustrated with track because she has been trying to beat her time for over a month now.

Ten minutes later, we were on our way out the door of Vic's house, "Thank you do having her, are we still on for Addie to come to ours next week?" I said once I was on the porch.

"Sounds perfect. I'll see you on Monday, bye." Vic waved as we got into the car.

When we got home Harley went upstairs to change into her track uniform and then came downstairs with a hairbrush and two hair ties, "Can you braid my hair?" She asked me.

"Of course," she sat on one of the stools at the kitchen island and I french braided her long blonde hair into two braids. "Finished, ready to go?"

"Yeah," she picked up her blue and yellow backpack that had shoes attached to the outside and followed me outside to the car. "What are we having for dinner?" She asked once we were in the car.

"I actually wanted to talk to you about dinner," I said, "I have invited Carina to have dinner with us tonight, if that's okay with you?"

"Yes, I've wanted to meet her for ages."

"We'll tonight is the time, she's coming at seven to give us time to get back home, okay?"

"Yep," she replied simply.


At 5:30 we got back into the car to go home from Harley's track meet; she got into the car with a series of gold medals around her neck and her water bottle in her hand. "Wow that is a lot of medals, Harls," I said proudly.

"Yea hand I beat my eight hundred metre time and my two thousand metre time," she said with a huge grin.

"That's my girl," I said with a high five. "Let's get you home because you probably don't want medals and sweat to be the first impression Carina has of you," I laughed.

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