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Carina pov
October 15th

Today was finally the day that Jessica was bringing our little Evie home. I had missed her so much and I just desperately hoped that we had done enough to be able to adopt Evie.

At 10am, the doorbell rang and then as we were making our way to the door it rang four more times- the way Evie rings when she's being impatient. I opened the door a crack and then felt Evie push it open with full force and throw herself into my arms, "Hi, bambina," I said, settling her on my hip. She put her chin on my shoulder so she could see Maya behind me kissing her cheeks and stroking her hair. "Hi Jessica," I said, getting over the initial shock.

"Hi. I need to go but I'll be back on Thursday with an answer, okay?"

"Okay, perfect." I replied. At least we would get five days with Evie. We then heard footsteps coming down the stairs and I felt Evie lift her chin away from my shoulder to see who it was,

"Harley!" She squealed, wriggling out of my arms to get to Harley.

"Hi little Bug," she said, lifting Evie into her arms and spinning around. "I've missed you," she whispered into Evie's ear. Evie didn't reply, she just rested her head on Harley's shoulder, closed her eyes and sighed contentedly.


In the evening, Maya and I were giving Evie a bath with rubber duckies and bubbles - just the way she likes it. Maya and I were kneeling next to the tub making a beard of bubbles on Evie's face when she reached up with a handful of bubbles and plopped them onto Maya's head. "Look at Mommy's hair!" She giggled. I had missed her little giggle more than anything, and hearing her call Maya mommy just topped it all off.

"Yeah, and look at Evie's hair," I said, putting a pile of bubbles onto her head.

"No Mama! Don't do it to me," she laughed. She called me Mama! I just wanted to be able to replay the last three minutes in my head forever. If Jessica chooses someone else to adopt Evie now she must be blind because we are clearly the best fit and we love her more than anyone else could.

We got Evie out of the bath and into some clean blue pyjamas with butterflies on them. I brushed through her hair while Maya put lotion onto her face, "Can I sleep in Harley's bed?" Evie asked sweetly, wincing slightly when I got to a tangle in her hair.

"You'd have to ask Harley but I'm sure she'd say yes," Maya replied, swiping away the excess lotion on Evie's face.

"You know, Mommy, at Melissa's house the bed had strawberries on the sheets," Evie said.

"Wow. Was Melissa nice?" Maya asked, a visible wave of jealousy flashing across her face.

"Eh, sort of. She had a puppy. I want a puppy," Evie said with a mischievous grin on her face.

"We might be able to sort that out," Maya laughed, lightly kissing Evie's nose. "What about the families that you met?" Maya asked, probably knowing that she wasn't supposed to be asking.

"Um.. didn't like Pete and Jenny because they spoke to me like a baby and their house was weird. They said about me living with them in a pink bedroom but I don't want to. I like my yellow room," she shrugged. "And Frances and Mike were nice but they were boring," she said as I finished brushing her hair and sat next to her on the bed. Evie leant against my body and let out a long yawn.

"Ready for bed, missy?" I asked her.

"Nope," she said through a second yawn.

"You seem pretty tired," Maya laughed. "How about you come downstairs to drink your milk and then go to bed?" Maya suggested.

"Okay," Evie said, holding her arms out for Maya to lift her off the bed, which she gladly did. Evie rested her head on Maya's shoulder and and ran her fingers through her blonde hair. Maya carried Evie down the stairs, with me following, and then put her on a stool in front of the kitchen island while I poured her cup of milk. When Harley heard us in the kitchen she came in and sat next to Evie, stroking her fingers through the small girl's long hair. "Harley, can I sleep in your bed?" Evie asked sweetly, batting her long eyelashes.

"Of course you can," Harley smiled.

"Here you go," I said, sliding a pink cup towards Evie and a glass towards Harley. I then turned around and got two Oreos out of the cookie jar- even at sixteen years old Harley still has a glass of milk and Oreo before bed, which Evie quickly caught onto.

"Thank you," Harley said, dipping her Oreo into the white liquid.

"Thank you," Evie said, copying Harley by dipping her cookie into the milk.

"Come on, little lady, let's get you to bed," Maya said once Evie had finished her drink.

"Will you lie with me?" Evie asked as she slid down from her chair.

"Of course we will, do you want Harley to come?" I asked and she nodded so the four of us made our way upstairs to Harley's room. Evie settled herself into the middle of Harley's double bed with Maya and I either side of her and Harley stretched across the foot of the bed. "How did you sleep at Melissa's?" I asked once Evie was lay down.

"She didn't lie with me. She closed the door and left me in the dark room," Evie explained, lying down, her back pressed against Maya's front and her front facing me.

"Well, you're home now, we're here with you and it's not dark in here," I said, kissing her forehead. Evie closed her eyes and allowed Maya to stroke her hand over her head and me to trace circles in the palm of her hand.

"Harley, are you coming?" Maya whispered once Evie was asleep.

"I'll stay with Evie," she replied, wriggling up to lie next to Evie.

"Okay, I love you," Maya said as we left the room and went down to the living room.

A/n: I really hope you're enjoying this story because I'm loving writing it. I also love when you comment so please continue doing that and send me your suggestions xx

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