Moving in

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December 2nd
Maya pov

I woke up to the feeling of a lot of movement beside me; a foot digging into my side and a hand on the top of my head. I opened my eyes with a squint and saw my daughter wriggling herself into the space between my girlfriend and I, "Harley, what are you doing?"

"Trying to get in here," she whispered, trying to avoid waking Carina.


"Because I want to," she said, rolling onto her side once she was securely under the covers. "Are we getting our Christmas tree today?"

"That's what I was planning on doing, but not at 7am," I grumbled.


"What is going on in here?" Carina groaned from beside Harley, "It's literally 7am."

"Someone decided she wanted to wriggle into the smallest space," I laughed.

"Well, I can see that," Carina laughed, rubbing her eyes and yawning.


I walked into the kitchen with my hands behind my back holding the small box to where Carina was making her coffee. "Why do you look so smug?" She asked, narrowing her eyes.

"I have an early Christmas gift for you," I smiled, holding the box in front of her. "And a question to ask you but that will probably be clear by the present."

"Okay.." she took the box from my hands and lifted the lid off to reveal a brand new key sitting in the bottom. "I'm confused," she said, furrowing her brows and lifting the key out of the box.

"Will you move in with me? Us, I guess," I said nervously.


"Yeah. The key is to my house if you hadn't worked that out already," I laughed as she pulled me in to kiss her.

"Yes, I'll move in with you," she said against my lips. "Does Harley know?"

"Yeah, I spoke to her the other day."

"Okay," she beamed, her smile so wide.


"This one, Mom!" I heard Harley call from afar.

"Where are you?" I called back.

"Here," I followed her voice into the rows of Christmas trees and found her standing next to the tallest one.

"Harley, we are never going to get that into our house," I laughed, "We need one that's like seven feet tall."

"Buzzkill," she murmured under her breath.

"Harley Jade, I heard that," I sternly laughed.

"What about that one?" Carina asked, linking our hands together and pointing to another green tree.

"I like that one, it looks perfect," I said, kissing her cheek. "Harley, we found one!" I called, losing my daughter amongst the Christmas trees. She then appeared with her hat slightly lop-sided on her head and a grin on her face,

"I love that one!"

"Carina noticed it," I said, smiling at the two of them.

"Good choice."


When we got home, we positioned the tree in the living room and began opening our boxes of ornaments and lights. As it was our first Christmas with Carina, she had never seen our special box of Harley's personalised ornaments that she made at school when she was little. Carina opened the box with a wide eyed grin, "What are all of these?"

"Harley made them in elementary school," I laughed, pulling out a clay ornament with her finger prints pushed into it in the shape of a star. "She was always so proud of them so it's a tradition to put them on the tree," I explained, watching as Harley began hanging glass ornaments onto the branches.

"I love them. It's such a cute idea," she said, looking kind of sad but trying to hide it with a smile.

"What's wrong?" I asked, knowing Harley was distracted with the tree.

"I just wish we'd met so much sooner," she shrugged, "Then we'd have been able to experience all of this together way earlier. I'd already know that it was a tradition to put the handmade ornaments on the tree and that Harley always drinks hot chocolate while decorating the tree," she explained sadly.

"Aw Baby, we still have time for all of that," I said, kissing her cheek lightly. "We'll have way more christmases together, I promise."

"I love you."

"I love you more." I said before getting up to help Harley.

A/N sorry for the bad chapter, I've been super busy

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